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Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Neo-Globalization Two-Step

What ever happened to the days when a country was run by it's own people?  Canada used to be a country that pretty much was ignored by our neighbours to the south.  Unless you consider the draft dodgers that crawled their way up here during the 1970's.

Now an American organization known as has stuck it's proverbial nose into Canadian politics with its “Stop 'Fox News North'” campaign. This campaign was designed to prevent the CRTC from issuing a Category 1 broadcasting licence to the Sun TV News Channel.

A Category 1 licence  identifies a broadcaster as a “must carry” specialty service—a rare licence that would provide Sun TV News with access to all satellite and cable TV viewers, by forcing these companies to offer the channel to subscribers.  This form of regulatory permission is considered rare precisely because it forces free-market companies to act outside market pressures and adhere to government interference.  In essence, the chances of Sun TV News from getting such a licence was slim to none and this week the CRTC decision was “Non!”

The CRTC decision was claimed as a victory by the U.S. based  It's kind of like Columbus forcing the central American natives to share their food by waving his hands at the eclipsing sun,  only to lay a claim that he restored the sunshine after extorting the food.  The Avaaz-mite jumped for joy at the CRTC decision, looked directly into the eyes of their fellow Americans and like Stewart on Mad TV said in a squeaky voice, “Look what I can do.”

The tactics of this organization and their political agenda was clearly exposed in the “Stop 'Fox News North'”       Campaign.   First, the term “Fox News North” is a misnomer, a moniker stamped on Sun TVNews by its detractors.  It is designed to paint a picture of a Neo-Conservative news agency bent on spreading right-wing propaganda throughout Canada.  To quote the words from, “Prime Minister Harper is trying to push American-style media onto our airwaves, and make us all pay for it.  His plan is to create a “Fox News North” to mimic the kind of hate-filled propaganda with which Fox News has poisoned U.S. Politics.”  These words like, “our” and “us” falsely identifies as a Canadian organization.  However, the records show that is not only a New York based entity, but it is partly founded by a David Madden.  Madden is an entrepreneur from Australia and a former Labour Left, political candidate from that country.

The campaign uses language of fear tactics that are so over the top that it should offend even the stanchest cause-whores out there. is quoted in their news releases referring the Canadian political environment when co-founder Ricken Patel was quoted as saying,  “We do not yet have all the facts, but it appears to speak to the poisonous political climate and deeply deceptive tactics that have been bred by the radical right in Canada and its progenitor in the US. It is precisely this kind of bare-knuckled, brazenly deceptive and often hateful political climate that Sun TV's "Fox News North" appears keen to promote.”

These are words from an organization that clearly has a left-wing agenda.  An agenda that wants to play devil's advocate across borders.  They respect no geographical or political boundaries.  They are an organization that has embraced the nature of the internet and used that media to breach their boundaries and interfere with Canadian policy makers.

The average Canadian should be insulted by this type of interference.  But what we have just witnessed is the tip of the iceberg.  It is the start of much more domestic international manipulation.  Organizations such as will flourish under what has become a planet where globalization has been embraced in the new world order.  We will witness more global organizations with mandates designed to manipulate foreign and domestic policies, markets and industries.

As an example, in their own website self proclaimed mandate is written as, “ is a new global online advocacy community that brings people-powered politics to global decision-making.”  With an agenda like that, be prepared to have foreign interference from this organization and many like them in the near future.

We live in a country that adheres to the tenet of a democracy, where Canada is ruled by a  government by Canadians where authority is exercised directly by our elected agents under a free electoral system.

In other words; organization such as have no business in Canada even though they claim that they have 414,000 Canadian followers.  So, if there are any Canadian adherents close by,  send me an email I would love to hear from you.

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