In 1972, then President of the United States, Richard Milhous Nixon flew to China and had an important meeting with China's Chairman, Mao Zedong. It was seen as an important move and the first step of normalizing relations between those two nations. The phrase, “Only Nixon could go to China” has been used by many throughout the years to signify the importance of this meeting and of the men who sat at opposite ends of the table. Nobody can argue the status of men like Nixon and Zedong. They were important statesmen. They were people of great influence, both men having power. To say that what those men did was newsworthy, would be an understatement.
It is now 2010, and a similar phrase may come into common use. It will become the trademark of how frivolous the mainstream press has become and even more so how silly our society has evolved. The phrase will be, “Only Cameron could go to Alberta.”
What starts out sounding like a joke, goes something like this, “What does Maclean's, Edmonton Journal, Vancouver Sun, CBC, CTV, Global TV, Montreal Gazette, Calgary Herald, Winnipeg Free Press, Edmonton Sun, Windsor Star, Toronto Sun, The Globe and Mail, The National Post, and the Financial Post all have in common?” The answer, “They all think we care what a Hollywood film director thinks about our oilsands operation.”
Hollywood Director, James Cameron in 1998, swept the Academy Awards with his film “Titanic”. In front of the cameras live on TV, he stood before his peers and with his award clutched in a tight fist raised the golden statue above his head and yelled out, “I am the king of the world!”
Apparently, we must have all bought into his self proclaimed prophesy.
Now when James Cameron wants something or goes somewhere not only does the press believe its newsworthy, but the Alberta government drops everything and comes running. We should all hide our heads in shame, as the 'king of the world' turns our Premier into a Court Jester.
As the 'king' made his plans, Cameron wrote a letter to Premier Ed Stelmach's office asking for a legislature meeting when he landed Wednesday, stipulating a time between 10 AM and noon. It was reported that our Premier has said that he will do everything he can, including taking a government plane to meet Cameron. Stelmach has also been reported to have said that he believes Alberta's oilsands operation will get a fair hearing from Cameron.
You would think that Stelmach was getting a visit from the Pope! The cost of flying Stelmach back to Alberta from Ottawa on a government jet just to attend this star-struck 'hearing' could cost the Alberta tax payer over $10,000. This, just so our Premier can get an autograph, photo-op and ultimately beg Cameron's forgiveness for supplying his adopted country with Alberta Crude.
Do you think perhaps the eco-mentalists have put Alberta off our game?
Cameron is not coming to Alberta for a fact finding mission. This is the man who has equated the Alberta oilsands as a “black eye” on Canada's environmental record, and that was catching Cameron on a good day. In the past, Cameron has referred to anyone who questions man-made global warming as deniers and stated that he would “call those deniers out into the street at high noon and shoot it out.” He is quoted as referring to one sceptic as a “f------ a------” He has also gone on record on a possible response to carbon dioxide emitters saying “I believe in ecoterrorism.”
Why should our elected officials give a minute of their time to James Cameron, or anybody from Hollywood for that matter? Why would our Premier consider a meeting with Cameron as a “Hearing”, giving Cameron authority over him in a effort to gain approval or better yet a “ruling in our favour.” Any half-wit would see that Alberta is pandering to someone that has absolutely no business with our government officials.
Quite frankly it is insulting and quite embarrassing to sit back and watch the Alberta government stumble over the desk in order to accommodate a man like James Cameron. We should just send him packing, and at the same time ask our Premier to give his head a shake.
After all is said and done, Cameron will go back to film making with more insults to hurl at Alberta. Premier Ed Stelmach will go down in history as an oilsands despot set straight by king Cameron. Back in Hollywood while sitting in polite conversations, the plastic primped crowd of tinsel town will gesture over to Cameron and whisper, “Only Cameron could go to Alberta.”
Does the state of world politics grinde you? Do you get frustrated with the common folk getting so easily manipulated by people with a hidden agenda? If this is you, send me an email and share your opinion.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The Neo-Globalization Two-Step
What ever happened to the days when a country was run by it's own people? Canada used to be a country that pretty much was ignored by our neighbours to the south. Unless you consider the draft dodgers that crawled their way up here during the 1970's.
Now an American organization known as has stuck it's proverbial nose into Canadian politics with its “Stop 'Fox News North'” campaign. This campaign was designed to prevent the CRTC from issuing a Category 1 broadcasting licence to the Sun TV News Channel.
A Category 1 licence identifies a broadcaster as a “must carry” specialty service—a rare licence that would provide Sun TV News with access to all satellite and cable TV viewers, by forcing these companies to offer the channel to subscribers. This form of regulatory permission is considered rare precisely because it forces free-market companies to act outside market pressures and adhere to government interference. In essence, the chances of Sun TV News from getting such a licence was slim to none and this week the CRTC decision was “Non!”
The CRTC decision was claimed as a victory by the U.S. based It's kind of like Columbus forcing the central American natives to share their food by waving his hands at the eclipsing sun, only to lay a claim that he restored the sunshine after extorting the food. The Avaaz-mite jumped for joy at the CRTC decision, looked directly into the eyes of their fellow Americans and like Stewart on Mad TV said in a squeaky voice, “Look what I can do.”
The tactics of this organization and their political agenda was clearly exposed in the “Stop 'Fox News North'” Campaign. First, the term “Fox News North” is a misnomer, a moniker stamped on Sun TVNews by its detractors. It is designed to paint a picture of a Neo-Conservative news agency bent on spreading right-wing propaganda throughout Canada. To quote the words from, “Prime Minister Harper is trying to push American-style media onto our airwaves, and make us all pay for it. His plan is to create a “Fox News North” to mimic the kind of hate-filled propaganda with which Fox News has poisoned U.S. Politics.” These words like, “our” and “us” falsely identifies as a Canadian organization. However, the records show that is not only a New York based entity, but it is partly founded by a David Madden. Madden is an entrepreneur from Australia and a former Labour Left, political candidate from that country.
The campaign uses language of fear tactics that are so over the top that it should offend even the stanchest cause-whores out there. is quoted in their news releases referring the Canadian political environment when co-founder Ricken Patel was quoted as saying, “We do not yet have all the facts, but it appears to speak to the poisonous political climate and deeply deceptive tactics that have been bred by the radical right in Canada and its progenitor in the US. It is precisely this kind of bare-knuckled, brazenly deceptive and often hateful political climate that Sun TV's "Fox News North" appears keen to promote.”
These are words from an organization that clearly has a left-wing agenda. An agenda that wants to play devil's advocate across borders. They respect no geographical or political boundaries. They are an organization that has embraced the nature of the internet and used that media to breach their boundaries and interfere with Canadian policy makers.
The average Canadian should be insulted by this type of interference. But what we have just witnessed is the tip of the iceberg. It is the start of much more domestic international manipulation. Organizations such as will flourish under what has become a planet where globalization has been embraced in the new world order. We will witness more global organizations with mandates designed to manipulate foreign and domestic policies, markets and industries.
As an example, in their own website self proclaimed mandate is written as, “ is a new global online advocacy community that brings people-powered politics to global decision-making.” With an agenda like that, be prepared to have foreign interference from this organization and many like them in the near future.
We live in a country that adheres to the tenet of a democracy, where Canada is ruled by a government by Canadians where authority is exercised directly by our elected agents under a free electoral system.
In other words; organization such as have no business in Canada even though they claim that they have 414,000 Canadian followers. So, if there are any Canadian adherents close by, send me an email I would love to hear from you.
Now an American organization known as has stuck it's proverbial nose into Canadian politics with its “Stop 'Fox News North'” campaign. This campaign was designed to prevent the CRTC from issuing a Category 1 broadcasting licence to the Sun TV News Channel.
A Category 1 licence identifies a broadcaster as a “must carry” specialty service—a rare licence that would provide Sun TV News with access to all satellite and cable TV viewers, by forcing these companies to offer the channel to subscribers. This form of regulatory permission is considered rare precisely because it forces free-market companies to act outside market pressures and adhere to government interference. In essence, the chances of Sun TV News from getting such a licence was slim to none and this week the CRTC decision was “Non!”
The CRTC decision was claimed as a victory by the U.S. based It's kind of like Columbus forcing the central American natives to share their food by waving his hands at the eclipsing sun, only to lay a claim that he restored the sunshine after extorting the food. The Avaaz-mite jumped for joy at the CRTC decision, looked directly into the eyes of their fellow Americans and like Stewart on Mad TV said in a squeaky voice, “Look what I can do.”
The tactics of this organization and their political agenda was clearly exposed in the “Stop 'Fox News North'” Campaign. First, the term “Fox News North” is a misnomer, a moniker stamped on Sun TVNews by its detractors. It is designed to paint a picture of a Neo-Conservative news agency bent on spreading right-wing propaganda throughout Canada. To quote the words from, “Prime Minister Harper is trying to push American-style media onto our airwaves, and make us all pay for it. His plan is to create a “Fox News North” to mimic the kind of hate-filled propaganda with which Fox News has poisoned U.S. Politics.” These words like, “our” and “us” falsely identifies as a Canadian organization. However, the records show that is not only a New York based entity, but it is partly founded by a David Madden. Madden is an entrepreneur from Australia and a former Labour Left, political candidate from that country.
The campaign uses language of fear tactics that are so over the top that it should offend even the stanchest cause-whores out there. is quoted in their news releases referring the Canadian political environment when co-founder Ricken Patel was quoted as saying, “We do not yet have all the facts, but it appears to speak to the poisonous political climate and deeply deceptive tactics that have been bred by the radical right in Canada and its progenitor in the US. It is precisely this kind of bare-knuckled, brazenly deceptive and often hateful political climate that Sun TV's "Fox News North" appears keen to promote.”
These are words from an organization that clearly has a left-wing agenda. An agenda that wants to play devil's advocate across borders. They respect no geographical or political boundaries. They are an organization that has embraced the nature of the internet and used that media to breach their boundaries and interfere with Canadian policy makers.
The average Canadian should be insulted by this type of interference. But what we have just witnessed is the tip of the iceberg. It is the start of much more domestic international manipulation. Organizations such as will flourish under what has become a planet where globalization has been embraced in the new world order. We will witness more global organizations with mandates designed to manipulate foreign and domestic policies, markets and industries.
As an example, in their own website self proclaimed mandate is written as, “ is a new global online advocacy community that brings people-powered politics to global decision-making.” With an agenda like that, be prepared to have foreign interference from this organization and many like them in the near future.
We live in a country that adheres to the tenet of a democracy, where Canada is ruled by a government by Canadians where authority is exercised directly by our elected agents under a free electoral system.
In other words; organization such as have no business in Canada even though they claim that they have 414,000 Canadian followers. So, if there are any Canadian adherents close by, send me an email I would love to hear from you.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Calling the Kettle Black
“But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despite-fully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father, which is in heaven.”
With these words, we who follow the teachings of the Bible, are given guidance and wisdom to live in peace with others. The new Testament is rife with guidance for any person who professes to receive Jesus as their Savior. As Christians we are to turn the other cheek so that enemies can be shamed into striking once again, an act designed to expose transgressors and bring about humility. The Bible teaches us that if our enemies are hungry, feed them, if they thirst give them water, that way we 'hold burning coals above their heads. ' These words and many more were inspired to guide a peaceful existence of all mankind.
Apparently two proclaimed Christian Pastors, at opposite ends of the United States, slept through their seminary classes. By now, you have already learned that the planned Qur'an burning by Rev. Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center, after a worldwide outcry was canceled, only to be picked up by another religious radical, a Rev. Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church.
I use the term religious radicals because I am deliberately trying to distance these two men from Christianity. Very much like how mainstream Islam wants to distance themselves from the radicals that are tied to 9/11 and other acts that are contrary to the teachings found in the Qur'an.
As Christians, our mission is to share the gospel. We are to live our lives as examples knowing full well that we have been forgiven for our sins. It is this understanding of setting examples that many find difficult to live, and it is these words found in Matthew 5:44-45 that provide all Christians with the proper responses to anyone who persecutes, rebukes, attacks or even oppose their beliefs.
What Jones and Phelps and their ilk have done, is in direct opposition to the Christian catch-phrase, “What Would Jesus Do”.
They have in very short order, enraged other radicals and as a result caused the reported deaths of some people in Afghanistan, and injured countless more. In other words, they are as responsible for these deaths as are the people who did the killings.
They claim that their mission was to protest the planned construction of an Islamic Centre near the former site of the World Trade Centre which was brought down by radical Islamists. However, Jones has been quoted as saying that his church's goals was “to expose that there is an element of Islam that is very dangerous and very radical.” After the worldwide response he is quoted as saying, “we have definitely accomplished that mission.”
In the case of Phelps, he has been reported as holding signs with the words, “Thank God for dead soldiers,” and has equated the Qur'an as a “300-page work of Satanic fiction,” proclaimed that Jones is a “false prophet... bullied by sissy intolerant rebels worldwide into canceling plans to burn that blasphemous idol call the Qur'an.”
All these men and their congregation have accomplished is to degrade the Christian church and given countless Christians a black eye.
They have sparked flames in parts of the world that is already unstable.
They have threatened the lives of many people, and degraded the cause of not only the Christian church but also of mainstream Islam.
They have placed into the vocabulary of the world the term, “Mainstream Christianity” very similar to the position Islam had to adopt after 9/11 in order to distance themselves from the acts of religious radicals.
These men are radicals. People who I am ashamed to call Christian brothers. In a world where people have many faiths, whether they be Jewish, Christian, Islamist, Buddhist or Atheist, to name just a few. If we, like the radicals, judge our fellow man then each one of us shall be found guilty by our own measure. In the case of Jones and Phelps they point their fingers at the acts of others and claim that their mission is to expose evil.
In the words of Jones himself, “we have definitely accomplished that mission,” for when they opened their mouths the evil was instantly exposed.
I have had my say. Now I need to ask for forgiveness.
(Matthew 5:44-45, King James Version)
With these words, we who follow the teachings of the Bible, are given guidance and wisdom to live in peace with others. The new Testament is rife with guidance for any person who professes to receive Jesus as their Savior. As Christians we are to turn the other cheek so that enemies can be shamed into striking once again, an act designed to expose transgressors and bring about humility. The Bible teaches us that if our enemies are hungry, feed them, if they thirst give them water, that way we 'hold burning coals above their heads. ' These words and many more were inspired to guide a peaceful existence of all mankind.
Apparently two proclaimed Christian Pastors, at opposite ends of the United States, slept through their seminary classes. By now, you have already learned that the planned Qur'an burning by Rev. Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center, after a worldwide outcry was canceled, only to be picked up by another religious radical, a Rev. Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church.
I use the term religious radicals because I am deliberately trying to distance these two men from Christianity. Very much like how mainstream Islam wants to distance themselves from the radicals that are tied to 9/11 and other acts that are contrary to the teachings found in the Qur'an.
As Christians, our mission is to share the gospel. We are to live our lives as examples knowing full well that we have been forgiven for our sins. It is this understanding of setting examples that many find difficult to live, and it is these words found in Matthew 5:44-45 that provide all Christians with the proper responses to anyone who persecutes, rebukes, attacks or even oppose their beliefs.
What Jones and Phelps and their ilk have done, is in direct opposition to the Christian catch-phrase, “What Would Jesus Do”.
They have in very short order, enraged other radicals and as a result caused the reported deaths of some people in Afghanistan, and injured countless more. In other words, they are as responsible for these deaths as are the people who did the killings.
They claim that their mission was to protest the planned construction of an Islamic Centre near the former site of the World Trade Centre which was brought down by radical Islamists. However, Jones has been quoted as saying that his church's goals was “to expose that there is an element of Islam that is very dangerous and very radical.” After the worldwide response he is quoted as saying, “we have definitely accomplished that mission.”
In the case of Phelps, he has been reported as holding signs with the words, “Thank God for dead soldiers,” and has equated the Qur'an as a “300-page work of Satanic fiction,” proclaimed that Jones is a “false prophet... bullied by sissy intolerant rebels worldwide into canceling plans to burn that blasphemous idol call the Qur'an.”
All these men and their congregation have accomplished is to degrade the Christian church and given countless Christians a black eye.
They have sparked flames in parts of the world that is already unstable.
They have threatened the lives of many people, and degraded the cause of not only the Christian church but also of mainstream Islam.
They have placed into the vocabulary of the world the term, “Mainstream Christianity” very similar to the position Islam had to adopt after 9/11 in order to distance themselves from the acts of religious radicals.
These men are radicals. People who I am ashamed to call Christian brothers. In a world where people have many faiths, whether they be Jewish, Christian, Islamist, Buddhist or Atheist, to name just a few. If we, like the radicals, judge our fellow man then each one of us shall be found guilty by our own measure. In the case of Jones and Phelps they point their fingers at the acts of others and claim that their mission is to expose evil.
In the words of Jones himself, “we have definitely accomplished that mission,” for when they opened their mouths the evil was instantly exposed.
I have had my say. Now I need to ask for forgiveness.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
So, Why no refund?
It all started out innocent enough. A fifty year-old man develops severe pain in his left foot. His foot was unable to bend and as he walked the pressure from the heel and arches was excruciating. After getting advise from a nurse, he is referred to a Podiatrist. A quick trip to the Podiatrist on Thursday resulted in him discovering that he had several issues resulting in pounding abuse during his stupid years. The options offered was; a brace, cordorzone injections, stretching combined with an rigorous dose of anti-inflammatory pills, or surgery. After a long discussion, stretching and pills were accepted.
The prescribed medication was Arthrotec, a tablet taken three times per day with food. The first tablet was taken Thursday night. The next morning the man developed severe pain in both feet and found himself walking like a person transporting an invasive foreign object. By Saturday morning the man found himself in the Emergency Room.
This was the start of my Labour Day long weekend.
I have always been the type of person who does not like taking pills. Pills of any kind whether even something as innocuous as a common pain killer. It just does not seem right to introduce a chemical into your body. In fact when the Podiatrist prescribed me the Arthrotec, I commenced a series of questions. What are the side affects? Followed with; What are the adverse side effects? The doctor was very patient although I could detect he was getting a bit frustrated when I brought up the question of a natural alternative. Satisfied that I had conducted my due diligence, the pills were purchased for a monetary amount of $33.00.
I was ready for the onslaught of what the pharmaceutical industry had described as “common side effects”. Within one hour of the first pill, I was taking up the portable office position in the lavatory. My stomach was reciting the fifth act of the “Wizard of Oz” screaming, “Who dares approach the Great Oz?” Followed by what felt like earth tremours. Evening came and three hours later, I bravely took position on my side of the bed. I closed my eyes thinking, “I have a wonderful and brave wife.”
The next morning, I woke to find that my hands had swelled to nearing twice their size, and I was unable to make a fist. My wrist was wider than normal and my joints ached. I could not raise my arm up enough to eat breakfast, and I have a burning and itching sensation all over. Welts had developed on my legs, arms, including the pits (all of them) and stomach. My wife advised me to get to the hospital, and after considerable thought I said, “No, I have planned a motorcycle trip today, so I will sit here and see how this pans out.” Less than 30 minutes later, I found myself driving to the Leduc Hospital. At this point I have to say that we have great professionals working at the Leduc Hospital. They took me into the inner sanctum immediate. Much to the chagrin of at least 15 others waiting. Even the scary Registered Nurse that told me to put on the undersized robe. Followed by the other nurse that stuck me from behind.
In came the doctor who told me I had a rather serious allergic reaction to the Arthrotec. I was not offered any options. It was a rear shot, followed by two more sets of pills for five days.
If you are still with me, the big beef I have this week is simply this. Why is it that we cannot get a refund on prescription drugs? I would really like my $33.00 back, because I need to cover off some of the expenses of the two other sets of pill, those being Prednisone and Antihistamines. Does it seems rather lopsided, when ‘Big Pharma’ can produce something that nearly kills you and then you have to go back to your dealer to purchase more of their product to counter the assault?
In our free market economy, if the buyer is not satisfied, you go back to the vendor, state our case, and a refund is offered. Do you think that having to inconvenience some very busy medical professionals at the hospital, is stating my case for a refund?
I find it disturbing to know that many people have reacted to this medication in a similar manner if not more severely. Yet we are still being prescribed this chemical product. The side effect that any drug reports are compiled as a result of actual medical cases and human drug testing. With Arthrotec the more serious side effects reported are; “gastrointestinal ulcers and bleeding; liver dysfunction; severe skin reactions. Severe bronchospasms may occur in patients with aspirin-sensitive asthma. Arthrotec may cause heart attacks and strokes; accumulation of fluid and worsen heart failure; cause or worsen hypertension and kidney failure.” ........ Huh!
For some reason this was not disclosed to me when prescribed. Of course what I experienced was an allergic reaction known as anaphylactic shock. That one did not even make the list.
The good news for us is that the pills you buy to counter an allergic reaction to a medication are very effective. I was on my feet within a day. The cost incurred to our universal medical care was no doubt very expensive.
The Arthrotec pills not used, were disposed of by the pharmacist, along with my $33.00. So, how was your long weekend?
The prescribed medication was Arthrotec, a tablet taken three times per day with food. The first tablet was taken Thursday night. The next morning the man developed severe pain in both feet and found himself walking like a person transporting an invasive foreign object. By Saturday morning the man found himself in the Emergency Room.
This was the start of my Labour Day long weekend.
I have always been the type of person who does not like taking pills. Pills of any kind whether even something as innocuous as a common pain killer. It just does not seem right to introduce a chemical into your body. In fact when the Podiatrist prescribed me the Arthrotec, I commenced a series of questions. What are the side affects? Followed with; What are the adverse side effects? The doctor was very patient although I could detect he was getting a bit frustrated when I brought up the question of a natural alternative. Satisfied that I had conducted my due diligence, the pills were purchased for a monetary amount of $33.00.
I was ready for the onslaught of what the pharmaceutical industry had described as “common side effects”. Within one hour of the first pill, I was taking up the portable office position in the lavatory. My stomach was reciting the fifth act of the “Wizard of Oz” screaming, “Who dares approach the Great Oz?” Followed by what felt like earth tremours. Evening came and three hours later, I bravely took position on my side of the bed. I closed my eyes thinking, “I have a wonderful and brave wife.”
The next morning, I woke to find that my hands had swelled to nearing twice their size, and I was unable to make a fist. My wrist was wider than normal and my joints ached. I could not raise my arm up enough to eat breakfast, and I have a burning and itching sensation all over. Welts had developed on my legs, arms, including the pits (all of them) and stomach. My wife advised me to get to the hospital, and after considerable thought I said, “No, I have planned a motorcycle trip today, so I will sit here and see how this pans out.” Less than 30 minutes later, I found myself driving to the Leduc Hospital. At this point I have to say that we have great professionals working at the Leduc Hospital. They took me into the inner sanctum immediate. Much to the chagrin of at least 15 others waiting. Even the scary Registered Nurse that told me to put on the undersized robe. Followed by the other nurse that stuck me from behind.
In came the doctor who told me I had a rather serious allergic reaction to the Arthrotec. I was not offered any options. It was a rear shot, followed by two more sets of pills for five days.
If you are still with me, the big beef I have this week is simply this. Why is it that we cannot get a refund on prescription drugs? I would really like my $33.00 back, because I need to cover off some of the expenses of the two other sets of pill, those being Prednisone and Antihistamines. Does it seems rather lopsided, when ‘Big Pharma’ can produce something that nearly kills you and then you have to go back to your dealer to purchase more of their product to counter the assault?
In our free market economy, if the buyer is not satisfied, you go back to the vendor, state our case, and a refund is offered. Do you think that having to inconvenience some very busy medical professionals at the hospital, is stating my case for a refund?
I find it disturbing to know that many people have reacted to this medication in a similar manner if not more severely. Yet we are still being prescribed this chemical product. The side effect that any drug reports are compiled as a result of actual medical cases and human drug testing. With Arthrotec the more serious side effects reported are; “gastrointestinal ulcers and bleeding; liver dysfunction; severe skin reactions. Severe bronchospasms may occur in patients with aspirin-sensitive asthma. Arthrotec may cause heart attacks and strokes; accumulation of fluid and worsen heart failure; cause or worsen hypertension and kidney failure.” ........ Huh!
For some reason this was not disclosed to me when prescribed. Of course what I experienced was an allergic reaction known as anaphylactic shock. That one did not even make the list.
The good news for us is that the pills you buy to counter an allergic reaction to a medication are very effective. I was on my feet within a day. The cost incurred to our universal medical care was no doubt very expensive.
The Arthrotec pills not used, were disposed of by the pharmacist, along with my $33.00. So, how was your long weekend?
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