Page by Page

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Black Mark from a Dark Moment

Last week for many, it was a story that you could actually ignore.  I will admit that when I heard about the man dressed in a KKK (Klu Klux Klan) hooded costume leading a black (shoe polished) faced man with a rope at a Halloween party, I chaulked it up to misguided ignorance.  But when you learned that this party was being held at a Royal Canadian Legion and that the two party animals won first prize by the organizers, it left me stunned.

In the age of electronics, photos of these party animals hit social networking sites on the web, along with video clips, faster than than a seal grazing at a sushi bar.  This quickly converted a semi-private party into a national fiasco.  The Royal Canadian Legion under the microscope is located in Campbellford, Ont., which decided to close its doors after the press got the story.  The coverage garnered anger from many Canadians, snickers from Americans, and indifference from the self-proclaimed enlightened twenty-somethings.

When asked why he would dress in a KKK hood and tow a faux black slave around by a rope,  Blair Crowley stated, “that stuff (slavery) has been gone for years and years and years. I don’t see why the reaction is the way it is. That’s so past tense. It’s a piece of history from long ago. I’m sure it was probably in bad taste after the fact. But there was no disrespect by it. People need to worry about something other than that.”

What we do know about Crowley and his unnamed roped serf is that neither of them are members of a Royal Canadian Legion.  They were just guests allowed to join in on the Halloween fun.  So until these two men were awarded first prize for the most original costume, the offense was not shared by anyone.  Unfortunately, it was the special reward given to Crowley and 'slave'  that allowed the Campbellford Royal Canadian Legion to share the shame in this incident.

It is natural for anyone to be annoyed, ashamed, offended or even surprised by the costumed display of a 'KKK member' and a 'slave' being towed around in a place that represents soldiers that gave their lives to fight against racial dominance, slavery and genocide.

What is more perplexing are some of the comments I found on the web by self-proclaimed enlightened people such as, “ What the hell is the difference between freedom of expression and freedom of speech? Any differences are purely semantics. Yes, people are equally free to criticize, just like these guys are equally free to wear those costumes. And how do I not understand the argument? If anything you don't understand the argument as you are saying freedom of speech/expression is null and void in this case. The only cases where freedom of speech/expression are null and void is when they start affecting the freedoms of others, which is not the case here.”
Freedom of speech and freedom of expression provide no license to just “go for the gusto” or “if it feels good, do it.” With the freedom afforded by a free democratic society there are strings attached.  That string is called “responsibility”.

It would be easy and self-enlightened to take the position that these two 'wanna-be rednecks' did no wrong, but what they did do was not only to offend, but more importantly, painted a black mark on one of Canada's most important organizations.

The Royal Canadian Legion is an organization that was founded on lofty principals brought together by like minded people with high standards.  These standards were forged originally on the battlefield, solidified by comradeship and delivered for a purpose.   Comradeship that only sacrifice and dedication to all Canadians could motivate.

The argument that these hairless-apes were only dressed for a Halloween party and that everyone else should “lighten-up” does not hold water here.  For, if these two men and those who organized the party had common sense and a little discretion they would have exercised a quality of good judgment with the ability of make a responsible decision and this would not have been a dark moment for that organization.

Although Crowley had apologized for his actions, his qualified response clearly show that he lacks a gift of discernment.  As a result, his apology is empty.

The President of  Campbellford Royal Canadian Legion expressed his regret by stating, “As president of Branch 103 Campbellford, of the Royal Canadian Legion, I humbly apologize to all those offended by the events that took place at our Halloween Party”.

With this now behind us, and Remembrance Day upon us, let us hope that we remember not only the men and woman who have served Canada proudly in our armed forces, but we allow the Royal Canadian Legion to get past the shallow actions of a few, and continue their mission that was set  85 years ago.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Convicted, Confined and Covered

How are we to respond to the news surrounding former Canadian Armed Forces, Colonel Russell Williams?

The former commander of CFB Trenton, plead guilty to two counts of first degree murder, two counts of rape and an additional 82 counts of house break-ins.  In all Russell Williams received two life sentences, plus concurrent sentences for the rapes and house break-ins.

Williams will go down in history as one of Canada's most notorious sexual predators and emerging serial killers.

The details of his offenses have been gleefully shared by the daily press and television media. Every aspect of this man has been laid out before the public.  He is described as a good husband to his wife of nineteen years Mary Elizabeth Harriman.  But more notably we have been informed that as a career soldier Williams was regarded as a model soldier over the course of his 23-year career with the Canadian Armed Forces.  Some have gone as far as describing Williams as an elite pilot and "shining bright star" of the military. His career has provided him prime service opportunities including being the pilot for Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh, the Governor General of Canada, the Prime Minister of Canada, and many other dignitaries across Canada and overseas in Canadian Forces VIP aircraft.

In contrast, Williams is described as a man with a dual life.  His crimes expose him as a man who was on the rise to becoming a serial killer.  His sexual perversions of cross dressing in stolen ladies underpants, breaking into a home nude while his intended victim was bathing in the house. Photographing himself modeling lingerie in victims homes, ultimately elevated into rape, forcible confinement and murder.

The details have angered many Canadians, and it must be said that in no way does this one man represent the Canadian Armed Forces or anyone serving our military.  However, one concern that has been expressed to our Federal Government is, 'In light of his conviction, should Williams receive his Canadian Armed Forces Pension?'

One of the changes the federal government has brought forth was the bill to strip old-age income benefits from hundreds of federal prisoners .  Although many convicted criminals in the federal prison system do not get Old Age Pension, this bill does not affect Williams.  In fact, Williams is eligible and will receive a $60,000 per year Canada Forces pension while serving his two life sentences.

What are we to make of Canada honouring a pension of an admitted and convicted murderer and sexual stalker?

It would be easy to take the position that the Canadian government should strip Williams of his pension.  However, any pension derived from public service is in fact a contractual retirement benefit and as a result, Williams paid into a plan, and any income accrued is rightfully payable to him.  There is no precedent for Canada to withhold these funds.

Therefore, sitting in a gaol cell is a convicted rapist and murderer, who will receive a yearly income that rivals the average income of a Canadian family.

As unpopular as this may be, honouring the pension is the right thing to do.  The pension payments should not be interfered with.

During Williams service to Canada as a soldier, he served in many areas of the military, and like most military personnel, he could not serve this country without an understanding support system.  This support was in the form of his devoted wife, Mary Harriman.  Ask any person in military service and you will learn that the spouse, whether that be a wife or husband, is a key component to sustaining military service for Canada.

Harriman is also a victim in Russell Williams' crimes.  When he was locked up for life, she lost not only a husband but also part of a family income.  Harriman is also in the spot light and as a result will be affected by her husbands criminal activity as a result of social pressures and humiliation.

As a military spouse, Harriman was a key component to Col. Williams military service and any pension earnings accrued during that service, as his wife, is rightfully hers.

Even though former Col. Russell Williams is convicted and confined for life, when it comes to his pension, his wife should be covered.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Is it time to be optimistic?

op·ti·mism:  an inclination to put the most favourable construction upon actions and events or to anticipate the best possible outcome.

Do you want a chuckle? Well here it is.  I am actually a closet optimist, in spite of the fact that I like to complain about a whole plethora of issues.  But, when it comes to our economy, I describe myself as hopeful, encouraged and yes, optimistic.  This in spite of the fact that the most influential people closest to me are best described as pessimists.  My optimism is derived from my rosy view of the Canadian economy.

The Canadian economic climate has for the past 24 months, experienced the deepest decline since the recession of the 1980s.  Anyone living east of Saskatchewan have been in position of losing their homes, partly due to the real estate market corrections that dropped lower than equity loans and increased property taxes based on this inflated equity.  Further, pressures from the collapsing world markets led in-part by the failing US banking system have affected Canadian exports.  In the past, our Canadian economy was attached to the proverbial hip of our American counterparts.  When the US buying power was strangled by economic pressures, our markets declined in concert.

Here in Alberta, and especially along the Edmonton-Calgary corridor, we have experienced what many observers have described as a normal economy.  Yes, our boom did end, but what was left has affected a smaller segment of society and as a result consumer confidence in our region is high.  Even though this feels comforting, this rather narrow geographic region has experienced pressures from other parts of Canada, and yes influences from the US.  Further, Alberta has experienced a Real Estate correction and property sales are slow.  Although we still witness considerable housing starts, this construction is a residual affect from projects started before the recession, and by shovel-ready money provided by our government.  

With this now behind us what prediction can we glean?

We are now entering the final quarter of 2010, and as always it is the time of year that many financial wizards sharpen the pencil and come out with predictions of how strong or weak your buying power will be.  You will also note that most financial prophets are pessimists, so in this respect I stand alone wearing my rosy spectacles.  No, I am not calling myself a wizard, I am however a true optimist.

An optimist's viewpoint.

In past deep recessions, the Asian countries fell in concert with the mighty US economy.  Previously, countries like China, South Korea, Taiwan and India had collapsing economies, so any business Canada was conducting with those countries suffered.  As a result, trade between Canada and those markets declined leaving us with our largest trading partner, the US, with the most influence.

But when it comes to Canadians, we are rather quick to change our practices, and this is why as a nation many are looking to us as an emerging world economic leader.

Unlike the past, the recent collapse did not affect the Asian countries and those economies have weathered very well.  India especially has experienced a boom in providing out-sourcing, from dry goods to skilled workers, where products or services can be provided electronically, or through couriers.  On the flip-side, with many predicting that the US will experience the dreaded deepening “double-dip” recession in 2011, Canadians cannot count on the US economy to sustain any real growth here in Canada.

Having learned from the past, Canada is now turning to Asia as important trade partners.  These changes will help Canada's economic growth for 2011.  It is predicted that in 2011, the developing markets in Asia are expected to grow 7.3 per cent with the most growth experienced in China and India.  China is predicted to experience a 9.1 per cent growth with India following at 8.7 per cent.  During the American collapse, Canada has been turning away from the weak U.S. markets and have turned to these Asian countries.  As a result, with the growth expected from China and India, it is predicted that Canadians overall, will experience a moderate growth between two and three percent.

So, 2011 should be a good year for Canadians.  Yes, I am being a bit optimistic but I do have a concern that can make me lose my rosy spectacles.

Recent news that the next volley of globalization “globaloney” has been aimed at creating a one-world banking system.  This news should raise the hairs on the back of any Canadian.  Canada has what can be argued as the strongest and most secure centralized banking system in the world.  A system that has withstood many pressures from the collapse of the U.S. Banking systems and other financial institutions abroad.  If the likes of the United Nations and the United States pressure Canada to sign onto such a scheme it could be a blow to our economic future.

So to answer my opening question, “Is it time to be optimistic?”  At one time I truly thought so.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Get out the Pry Bar

The death of democracy is not likely to be an assassination from ambush. It will be a slow extinction from apathy, indifference, and undernourishment.  Leo Tolstoi

Unless you have been using this newspaper as a bird cage liner, you probably have noticed this coming Monday, October 18th is Election Day.  Every city, town, village and county have candidates running for local councils and school boards.  Aside from advertisements from many candidates, we have published profiles and platforms from as many people running for office as possible over the past two issues, and in this issue you will find even more.  In our region alone we have well over fifty people running for office.

Considering the amount of complaining from many ratepayers over the past three years from nearly every city, village and county, I am expecting this election to be an exciting and well attended turnout. Unless you consider a thirty percent voter turnout well attended, I suspect that I have just been wasting my breath.

On average, roughly thirty percent is all that will ever come out to vote in municipal elections.   Unless it is a federal election which usually experiences a whopping sixty-four percent voter turnout, on average municipal elections fair much less.

Is it that many people just don't care?  Is it maybe that many are just ignorant of facts, or are people nowadays just plain lazy?  A popular position is that it is the young adult that is the cause for poor voter turnouts.  It has been said that the twitter generation is too preoccupied with vain pursuits preventing them from looking up long enough to discover that there is a social responsibility to exercise.  According to many people, apathy and disinterest is the privy of the youth, and voting is a waste of time.

I don't buy into that at all.  I truly believe that the young person I see with their pants dragging on the ground is waiting with bated breath to cast a vote. I am sure that the fella on the bus with his hat turned sideways thumbing away while texting his 'bro' or 'babe', is discussing who is the best candidate to be the Mayor in Wetaskiwin, or who should be sitting on the school board.  As strong as these examples are to the contrary, I still don't believe that voter apathy is all in the hands of young people.  In fact, it is my generation that currently has the vast majority of voter strength to wield, and it is precisely my generation, the baby boomers, that have shown the most disinterest in the democratic process.  The young adult comes by voter apathy honestly because it has been handed down to them by their parents, and the cycle will continue with every generation.

Gone are the days when families sat around the living room and talked, where the mother and father would mentor their offspring on important issues.  It was during those times, when the 'family' political position was expressed, which fuelled the interests in the youth entering the voter age.

If you ask someone if they plan to vote, in most cases the answer is “No.”  I have asked many acquaintances this very question and the answer is usually is an unintelligible “Nah.”  If you press them on why, the usual response you get is, “It doesn't matter” or “One vote does not make a difference.”  On a larger scale, this type of apathetic influence can be found on the internet, a media where many young adults mill about getting their social conscientious stimulated.  Influences like, “In strictly economic terms, voting makes no sense at all. It takes time away from useful activities and rarely is any single individual's vote likely to make much of a difference. So, why bother?” I found this nugget of wisdom, and much more like it on websites with high page rankings, making this type of social consciousness easy to access.

So what is the cause for meagre voter turnouts?  I truly believe it is because we have it too easy in Canada.  For many people, they like to complain about their elected officials, but in the end they either don't believe those complaints or just want others to take care of it.  Ignorance is bliss, and therefore to cast a vote in an election would be just irresponsible because many people have not kept up with the issues.  They don't really know who is running, nor have they made it their business to find out.

So when the next governing council raises your taxes without proper reasoning, or the school board decides to use a textbook or bring in a program that you feel is not appropriate, I sure hope the average armchair critic had pulled out the pry bar, peeled their backsides off the chair and voted.  Because, it is not just a social right to vote, it is democratic responsibility.  A responsibility that should be handed down to the youth.  Because without the voter interest, apathy, disinterest and indifference will prevail and you may find people in our public offices that have no business occupying the seat of power.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Only Nixon could go to China.

In 1972, then President of the United States, Richard Milhous Nixon flew to China and had an important meeting with China's Chairman, Mao Zedong.  It was seen as an important move and the first step of normalizing relations between those two nations.  The phrase, “Only Nixon could go to China” has been used by many throughout the years to signify the importance of this meeting and of the men who sat at opposite ends of the table.  Nobody can argue the status of men like Nixon and Zedong.  They were important statesmen.  They were people of great influence,  both men having power.   To say that what those men did was newsworthy, would be an understatement.

It is now 2010, and a similar phrase may come into common use.  It will become the trademark of how frivolous the mainstream press has become and even more so how silly our society has evolved.  The phrase will be, “Only Cameron could go to Alberta.”

What starts out sounding like a joke, goes something like this, “What does Maclean's, Edmonton Journal, Vancouver Sun, CBC, CTV, Global TV, Montreal Gazette, Calgary Herald, Winnipeg Free Press, Edmonton Sun, Windsor Star, Toronto Sun, The Globe and Mail, The National Post, and the Financial Post all have in common?”  The answer, “They all think we care what a Hollywood film director thinks about our oilsands operation.”

Hollywood Director, James Cameron in 1998, swept the Academy Awards with his film “Titanic”.  In front of the cameras live on TV, he stood before his peers and with his award clutched in a tight fist raised the golden statue above his head and yelled out, “I am the king of the world!”

Apparently, we must have all bought into his self proclaimed prophesy.
Now when James Cameron wants something or goes somewhere not only does the press believe its newsworthy, but the Alberta government drops everything and comes running.  We should all hide our heads in shame, as the 'king of the world' turns our Premier into a Court Jester.

As the 'king' made his plans, Cameron wrote a letter to Premier Ed Stelmach's office asking for a legislature meeting when he landed Wednesday, stipulating a time between 10 AM and noon.  It was reported that our Premier has said that he will do everything he can, including taking a government plane to meet Cameron.  Stelmach has also been reported to have said that he believes Alberta's oilsands operation will get a fair hearing from Cameron.

You would think that Stelmach was getting a visit from the Pope!  The cost of flying Stelmach back to Alberta from Ottawa on a government jet  just to attend this star-struck 'hearing' could cost the Alberta tax payer over $10,000.  This, just so our Premier can get an autograph, photo-op and ultimately beg Cameron's forgiveness for supplying his adopted country with Alberta Crude.

Do you think perhaps the eco-mentalists have put Alberta off our game?

Cameron is not coming to Alberta for a fact finding mission.  This is the man who has equated the Alberta oilsands as a “black eye” on Canada's environmental record, and that was catching Cameron on a good day.  In the past, Cameron has referred to anyone who questions man-made global warming as deniers and stated that he would “call those deniers out into the street at high noon and shoot it out.” He is quoted as referring to one sceptic as a “f------ a------”   He has also gone on record on a possible response to carbon dioxide emitters saying “I believe in ecoterrorism.”

Why should our elected officials give a minute of their time to James Cameron, or anybody from Hollywood for that matter?  Why would our Premier consider a meeting with Cameron as a “Hearing”, giving Cameron authority over him in a effort to gain approval or better yet a “ruling in our favour.”  Any half-wit would see that Alberta is pandering to someone that has absolutely no business with our government officials.

Quite frankly it is insulting and quite embarrassing to sit back and watch the Alberta government stumble over the desk in order to accommodate a man like James Cameron.  We should just send him packing, and at the same time ask our Premier to give his head a shake.

After all is said and done, Cameron will go back to film making with more insults to hurl at Alberta.  Premier Ed Stelmach will go down in history as an oilsands despot set straight by king Cameron. Back in Hollywood while sitting in polite conversations, the plastic primped crowd of tinsel town will gesture over to Cameron and whisper, “Only Cameron could go to Alberta.”

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Neo-Globalization Two-Step

What ever happened to the days when a country was run by it's own people?  Canada used to be a country that pretty much was ignored by our neighbours to the south.  Unless you consider the draft dodgers that crawled their way up here during the 1970's.

Now an American organization known as has stuck it's proverbial nose into Canadian politics with its “Stop 'Fox News North'” campaign. This campaign was designed to prevent the CRTC from issuing a Category 1 broadcasting licence to the Sun TV News Channel.

A Category 1 licence  identifies a broadcaster as a “must carry” specialty service—a rare licence that would provide Sun TV News with access to all satellite and cable TV viewers, by forcing these companies to offer the channel to subscribers.  This form of regulatory permission is considered rare precisely because it forces free-market companies to act outside market pressures and adhere to government interference.  In essence, the chances of Sun TV News from getting such a licence was slim to none and this week the CRTC decision was “Non!”

The CRTC decision was claimed as a victory by the U.S. based  It's kind of like Columbus forcing the central American natives to share their food by waving his hands at the eclipsing sun,  only to lay a claim that he restored the sunshine after extorting the food.  The Avaaz-mite jumped for joy at the CRTC decision, looked directly into the eyes of their fellow Americans and like Stewart on Mad TV said in a squeaky voice, “Look what I can do.”

The tactics of this organization and their political agenda was clearly exposed in the “Stop 'Fox News North'”       Campaign.   First, the term “Fox News North” is a misnomer, a moniker stamped on Sun TVNews by its detractors.  It is designed to paint a picture of a Neo-Conservative news agency bent on spreading right-wing propaganda throughout Canada.  To quote the words from, “Prime Minister Harper is trying to push American-style media onto our airwaves, and make us all pay for it.  His plan is to create a “Fox News North” to mimic the kind of hate-filled propaganda with which Fox News has poisoned U.S. Politics.”  These words like, “our” and “us” falsely identifies as a Canadian organization.  However, the records show that is not only a New York based entity, but it is partly founded by a David Madden.  Madden is an entrepreneur from Australia and a former Labour Left, political candidate from that country.

The campaign uses language of fear tactics that are so over the top that it should offend even the stanchest cause-whores out there. is quoted in their news releases referring the Canadian political environment when co-founder Ricken Patel was quoted as saying,  “We do not yet have all the facts, but it appears to speak to the poisonous political climate and deeply deceptive tactics that have been bred by the radical right in Canada and its progenitor in the US. It is precisely this kind of bare-knuckled, brazenly deceptive and often hateful political climate that Sun TV's "Fox News North" appears keen to promote.”

These are words from an organization that clearly has a left-wing agenda.  An agenda that wants to play devil's advocate across borders.  They respect no geographical or political boundaries.  They are an organization that has embraced the nature of the internet and used that media to breach their boundaries and interfere with Canadian policy makers.

The average Canadian should be insulted by this type of interference.  But what we have just witnessed is the tip of the iceberg.  It is the start of much more domestic international manipulation.  Organizations such as will flourish under what has become a planet where globalization has been embraced in the new world order.  We will witness more global organizations with mandates designed to manipulate foreign and domestic policies, markets and industries.

As an example, in their own website self proclaimed mandate is written as, “ is a new global online advocacy community that brings people-powered politics to global decision-making.”  With an agenda like that, be prepared to have foreign interference from this organization and many like them in the near future.

We live in a country that adheres to the tenet of a democracy, where Canada is ruled by a  government by Canadians where authority is exercised directly by our elected agents under a free electoral system.

In other words; organization such as have no business in Canada even though they claim that they have 414,000 Canadian followers.  So, if there are any Canadian adherents close by,  send me an email I would love to hear from you.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Calling the Kettle Black

“But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despite-fully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father, which is in heaven.” 
(Matthew 5:44-45, King James Version)

With these words, we who follow the teachings of the Bible, are given guidance and wisdom to live in peace with others.   The new Testament is rife with guidance for any person who professes to receive Jesus as their Savior. As Christians we are to turn the other cheek so that enemies can be shamed into striking once again, an act designed to expose transgressors and bring about humility.  The Bible teaches us that if our enemies are hungry, feed them, if they thirst give them water, that way we 'hold burning coals above their heads. '  These words and many more were inspired to guide a peaceful existence of all mankind.

Apparently two proclaimed Christian Pastors, at opposite ends of the United States, slept through their seminary classes.   By now, you have already learned that the planned Qur'an burning by Rev. Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center, after a worldwide outcry was canceled, only to be picked up by another religious radical, a Rev. Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church.

I use the term religious radicals because I am deliberately trying to distance these two men from Christianity.  Very much like how mainstream Islam wants to distance themselves from the radicals that are tied to 9/11 and other acts that are contrary to the teachings found in the Qur'an.

As Christians, our mission is to share the gospel.  We are to live our lives as examples knowing full well that we have been forgiven for our sins.  It is this understanding of setting examples that many find difficult to live, and it is these words found in Matthew 5:44-45 that provide all Christians with the proper responses to anyone who persecutes, rebukes, attacks or even oppose their beliefs.

What Jones and Phelps and their ilk have done, is in direct opposition to the Christian catch-phrase, “What Would Jesus Do”.  

They have in very short order, enraged other radicals and as a result caused the reported deaths of some people in Afghanistan, and injured countless more.  In other words, they are as responsible for these deaths as are the people who did the killings.  

They claim that their mission was to protest the planned construction of an Islamic Centre near the former site of the World Trade Centre which was brought down by radical Islamists.  However, Jones has been quoted as saying that his church's goals was “to expose that there is an element of Islam that is very dangerous and very radical.”  After the worldwide response he is quoted as saying, “we have definitely accomplished that mission.”

In the case of Phelps, he has been reported as holding signs with the words, “Thank God for dead soldiers,” and has equated the Qur'an as a “300-page work of Satanic fiction,” proclaimed that Jones is a “false prophet... bullied by sissy intolerant rebels worldwide into canceling plans to burn that blasphemous idol call the Qur'an.”

All these men and their congregation have accomplished is to degrade the Christian church and given countless  Christians a black eye.

They have sparked flames in parts of the world that is already unstable.

They have threatened the lives of many people, and degraded the cause of not only the Christian church but also of mainstream Islam.

They have placed into the vocabulary of the world the term, “Mainstream Christianity” very similar to the position Islam had to adopt after 9/11 in order to distance themselves from the acts of religious radicals.

These men are radicals. People who I am ashamed to call Christian brothers.  In a world where people have many faiths, whether they be Jewish, Christian, Islamist, Buddhist or Atheist, to name just a few.  If we, like the radicals, judge our fellow man then each one of us shall be found guilty by our own measure.  In the case of Jones and Phelps they point their fingers at the acts of others and claim that their mission is to expose evil.

In the words of Jones himself, “we have definitely accomplished that mission,” for when they opened their mouths the evil was instantly exposed.

I have had my say.  Now I need to ask for forgiveness.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

So, Why no refund?

It all started out innocent enough.  A fifty year-old man develops severe pain in his left foot.  His foot was unable to bend and as he walked the pressure from the heel and arches was excruciating.  After getting advise from a nurse, he is referred to a Podiatrist.  A quick trip to the Podiatrist on Thursday resulted in him discovering that he had several issues resulting in pounding abuse during his stupid years.  The options offered was; a brace, cordorzone injections, stretching combined with an rigorous dose of anti-inflammatory pills, or surgery.  After a long discussion, stretching and pills were accepted.

The prescribed medication was Arthrotec, a tablet taken three times per day with food.  The first tablet was taken Thursday night.  The next morning the man developed severe pain in both feet and found himself walking like a person transporting an invasive foreign object.  By Saturday morning the man found himself in the Emergency Room.

This was the start of my Labour Day long weekend.

I have always been the type of person who does not like taking pills.  Pills of any kind whether even something as innocuous as a common pain killer.  It just does not seem right to introduce a chemical into your body.  In fact when the Podiatrist prescribed me the Arthrotec, I commenced a series of questions.  What are the side affects?  Followed with; What are the adverse side effects?  The doctor was very patient although I could detect he was getting a bit frustrated when I brought up the question of a natural alternative.  Satisfied that I had conducted my due diligence, the pills were purchased for a monetary amount of $33.00.

I was ready for the onslaught of what the pharmaceutical industry had described as “common side effects”.  Within one hour of the first pill, I was taking up the portable office position in the lavatory.  My stomach was reciting the fifth act of the “Wizard of Oz” screaming, “Who dares approach the Great Oz?”  Followed by what felt like earth tremours.  Evening came and three hours later, I bravely took position on my side of the bed.  I closed my eyes thinking, “I have a wonderful and brave wife.”

The next morning, I woke to find that my hands had swelled to nearing twice their size, and I was unable to make a fist.  My wrist was wider than normal and my joints ached.  I could not raise my arm up enough to eat breakfast, and I have a burning and itching sensation all over.  Welts had developed on my legs, arms, including the pits (all of them) and stomach.  My wife advised me to get to the hospital, and after considerable thought I said, “No, I have planned a motorcycle trip today, so I will sit here and see how this pans out.”  Less than 30 minutes later, I found myself driving to the Leduc Hospital.  At this point I have to say that we have great professionals working at the Leduc Hospital.  They took me into the inner sanctum immediate.  Much to the chagrin of at least 15 others waiting.  Even the scary Registered Nurse that told me to put on the undersized robe.  Followed by the other nurse that stuck me from behind.

In came the doctor who told me I had a rather serious allergic reaction to the Arthrotec.  I was not offered any options.  It was a rear shot, followed by two more sets of pills for five days.

If you are still with me, the big beef I have this week is simply this.  Why is it that we cannot get a refund on prescription drugs?  I would really like my $33.00 back, because I need to cover off some of the expenses of the two other sets of pill, those being Prednisone and Antihistamines.  Does it seems rather lopsided, when ‘Big Pharma’ can produce something that nearly kills you and then you have to go back to your dealer to purchase more of their product to counter the assault?

In our free market economy, if the buyer is not satisfied, you go back to the vendor, state our case, and a refund is offered.  Do you think that having to inconvenience some very busy medical professionals at the hospital, is stating my case for a refund?

I find it disturbing to know that many people have reacted to this medication in a similar manner if not more severely. Yet we are still being prescribed this chemical product.  The side effect that any drug reports are compiled as a result of actual medical cases and human drug testing.  With Arthrotec the more serious side effects reported are; “gastrointestinal ulcers and bleeding; liver dysfunction; severe skin reactions. Severe bronchospasms may occur in patients with aspirin-sensitive asthma. Arthrotec may cause heart attacks and strokes; accumulation of fluid and worsen heart failure; cause or worsen hypertension and kidney failure.”  ........ Huh!

For some reason this was not disclosed to me when prescribed.  Of course what I experienced was an allergic reaction known as anaphylactic shock.  That one did not even make the list.

The good news for us is that the pills you buy to counter an allergic reaction to a medication are very effective.  I was on my feet within a day. The cost incurred to our universal medical care was no doubt very expensive.  

The Arthrotec pills not used, were disposed of by the pharmacist, along with my $33.00.  So, how was your long weekend?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Real McCoy

“I've been blessed to find people who are smarter than I am, and they help me to execute the vision I have.”    Russell Simmons, American Entrepreneur  

Over the years I have employed many people.  When I commenced by second career in 1990, my wife and I opened our first “going concern” in Leduc.  We ran a Radio Shack Dealership for nearly 10 years before we decided to wind down the business.  During that same period we started a computer company, where we opened two stores.  One in Leduc and the other in Camrose.  A third location was opened by a Wetaskiwin resident in that city on main street.  In all three stores that we operated, I employed no less than thirty people, all doing specific jobs.  Some were sales persons, other electronic and computer technicians and another eight people were instructors teaching computer classes.

After closing these retail businesses I entered the publishing field, where I managed a sales team for a national periodical. This lead me to my current position with the Pipestone Flyer.

The point of all this is simple.  I have been in a position where I have had to hire people to do specific jobs and assess performance levels of each person under my supervision.  Like many managers, I have found the performance levels of individuals all different.  But every once and a while I find a real gem.  That person who really makes a difference, where your personal vision and mission that you have is adopted with zeal.  In a word, the 'Real McCoy'.

Those types of people are very hard to hold onto and I have found from my experience that when you have that person in your employ you make the best of it.

What I, as well as many employers look for in the 'Real McCoy’, is someone that has served with distinction.  Distinction does not so much mean that they have flair, although an interesting personality does not hurt.  But it simply involves doing the job and doing it well.  That person knows exactly what their job entails, and organizes their time well leaving no tasks behind.  They become that employee where you know with full confidence that their job is getting done even when unsupervised, and the results show.

Many who hold jobs seldom understand how important their role is in a specific company.  They may feel that their tasks they have been hired to complete are mundane, boring or just not necessary.  However, no job you are hired for is unnecessary, because if that were true, no paycheque would be forthcoming and the position would be dissolved.

Yes, the 'Real McCoy' is that person who does the job whether they feel their assignment is just not interesting or even important.  Believe it or not, many managers do take note of each employee and the level of value they bring to the table.  They know when someone is just 'not there' and when that is identified, it becomes a housekeeping problem for the employer.

So what is this all about?  It is about a young lady who I had the privilege of employing as a full-time reporter for the Pipestone Flyer. Sydnee Bryant is leaving us, and in the very short time we had her in our employ she created the mold of what a very good employee is.  She became a real asset to The Pipestone Flyer and (if you will excuse my expression) my right-hand 'man.'
Sydnee Bryant is leaving the glamour of working for an Alberta weekly community newspaper and will fly to the middle east, where she will become the editor of the “Qatar Happening Magazine”, a trendy monthly glossy publication in the heart of Qatar.

As readers you have been witness to the start of a young persons journalist career.  Although the Pipestone Flyer was Sydnee Bryant's first full-time position as a reporter, I truly believe that this special person will have a long and distinguishable career.

It all started here, and we are very proud to have had the opportunity to be a part of her journey.  God speed Sydnee, I know that everything you do will have the mark of the 'Real McCoy.'

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Refugees or Fugitives?

There are those people who live their lives with an open door policy on nearly everything.  Acceptance is not only a word to them but a way of life.  They accept circumstances all under the guise of political correctness with a liberal dose of 'what ever'.  These same people are those that see others who like to examine circumstances around them with a critical eye as being intolerant, ignorant and yes even racist.  In a word, everyone else are nothing but a bunch of xenophobes.

The recent arrival of refugees from Sri Lanka, who landed on the coast of British Columbia aboard the MV Sun Sea from Thailand has brought Canada's liberal immigration practices in question.  It has also given some on the press the opportunity to call our current government, and many average Canadians as xenophobic. In a word, “Xenophobia” is an unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers or of that which is foreign or strange.

The key here is “unreasonable” because quite frankly, there is nothing unreasonable about questioning the motives of the Tamil asylum seekers.  The story behind the MV Sun Sea is littered with intrigue and slight of hand manipulation.  According to published reports the MV Sun Sea was purchased by a Mr. Kunarobinson, who is reported to be connected with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ealam (Tamil Tigers). Kunarobinson, who disappeared after the ships purchase bought it on behalf of a shell company that came into existence only a year earlier.  Further some reports have named a veteran Tamil Tiger arms smuggler known as Vinod as the Captain of the MV Sun Sea while enroute to Canada.  In short, there are good reasons for officials here in Canada to vet the refugee status of everyone on board the MV Sun Sea.

So sitting on a ship off the coast of British Columbia are 500 asylum seekers from Sri Lanka, with a reported two more ships ready to set sail waiting in the wings watching to see how we accept asylum seekers from Sri Lanka.

For the Tamils choosing Canada as their place of refuge is a no-brainer.  Canada has a long reputation of having an open door for people seeking refugee status.  For example, in 1956, 37,000 Hungarians fleeing a failed revolution were allowed refugee status.  Following close behind in 1968, 11,000 people fled to Canada from former Czechoslovakia.  During the Vietnam War Era in 1971, 40,000 Americans were granted asylum and in 1999 Canada received 5,000 refugee from the war-torn Balkans.  In each one of these cases the Canadian government saw good reasons to grant refugee status.

The real question here is not so much whether Canada is a caring enough country to accept these people with open arms from a country that has been waging a Sri Lankan Civil War.  A war that the Tamil Tigers admitted defeat in May of 2009. But, should Canada as least stop them on the shore and place the onus on each individual to prove that they are not members of a terrorist organization of criminals, thugs and murderers?  Because quite frankly I want our government to send those types of people packing.

There is enough intelligence regarding the MV Sun Sea's mission to Canada to show that the Tamil Tigers planned this excursion two years ago when it became apparent that thay had all but lost the civil war.  History shows that the Tamil Tigers existance is littered with violence.  They have carried out many high profile attacks including the assassinations of several high-ranking Sri Lankan and Indian politicians including Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa in 1993, and former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1991.  As a terrorist organization the Tamil Tigers also pioneered the use of suicide belts. It is no surprise that they are currently identified as a terrorist organization by 32 countries.

It would be fair to say that not all the people who landed here on the MV Sun Sea are members of, or have connections with the Tamil Tigers.  But to be accepted as a refugee a person has to prove they are in danger of torture and there is a risk to their life if returned to their home country.  If that were the case, one would expect that previous Tamil refugees who have found safety in Canada would still live in fear of their homeland.  A recent investigative report as reported by the Toronto Sun, showed that 71% of Tamil refugees here in Canada believe conditions in Sri Lanka are good enough, that they have gone back for a vacation. This report was backed up by the UN High Commissioner of Refugees who has gone on record and stated that so much has improved in Sri Lanka that no country in the world should assume that the Tamils are refugees.

So are the Tamils who are now being processed refugees or fugitives from Sri Lankan justice?  I believe in light of this incident it is reasonable for Canada to strengthen the laws governing those seeking asylum and immigration status.  Canada has become an easy target for foreign nationals to force our hands and circumvent proper immigration channels.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What is your life worth?

I guess a better question would be, can you put a value on your life?  If you think about it, the question itself is not only insulting but ludicrous because life itself is all there really is, and without it, anything else that has been deemed of any worth, is worthless.
Ask any individual if someone were to kill a loved one, be it a spouse, parent or child and the answer in many cases is, “An eye for an eye.”  I posed this very question to our office staff, and that was the first statement that came out.  Followed by “No Freedom” for the offender.  When I posed our insulting value question on life, the responses were, “priceless and everything.”  The bottom line is that as human beings we cherish our lives and the lives of our family.  It would also be fair to say that the feelings we have for our family does transfer somewhat to others, including strangers.  That is probably why we look at small children with smiles or practice common courtesy with others in public, which includes stopping for a jaywalker.  So we as individuals do value lives.
But, it has become quite clear that we as a society do not value life.  Last week Coda William Fika was handed an meager eight year sentence in Edmonton for killing Jeremie Auger.  The killing occurred as a result of a dispute over a woman who was romantically linked to both men.  During an argument where alcohol was involved, Fika picked up a knife, washed it, then stabbed Auger.  
Fika was charged with Second Degree Homicide which carries a mandatory life sentence in Canada.  During the proceedings, the charge was reduced to Manslaughter and Fika changed his plea to guilty and agreed to the facts of the case.
The presiding judge sentenced Fika to eight years in jail and credited him with twice the time served while he was remanded in custody, reducing the remaining incarceration by 20 months.  Fika will be out of jail in just over six years, unless he is released earlier.
Our justice system has weighed in on Jeremie Auger's value as a human being.  Fika will probably be still in his twenties when Canada deems payment is made in full for his crime.  For whatever reason the Crown decided that taking the time to proceed with a lengthy trial for homicide was just not worth it.  By plea bargaining they were able to save taxpayers some money, save witnesses from having to relive what they saw, and dispense of this sordid affair quickly.  Good for them!
Sadly, as sentencing goes in Canada, Fika received a rather stiff one.  According to a report of the Research Branch of Correctional Services of Canada the median prison sentence in 2001/02 was 30 days.  The same report showed that just six years earlier the median prison sentence was 115 days.  Any sentence under 24 months is served under provincial jurisdiction, therefore Fika will serve his sentence in a federal prison.
What are we to make of our justice systems soft handed approach to crime, where the punishment for killing a fellow human being will be all but forgotten by the offender in less than a decade but felt by family for a lifetime?
Did the police bungle the investigation that motivated the Crown to 'cut a deal?'  Are the courts so overbooked that Jeremie Auger's death just slipped through the cracks of justice?  Has Alberta Justice taken the stance that their mandate is just another rubber stamp process where people are nothing more than a case number?  When we witness justice for the death of a fellow human being handled with such bargain basement prices it makes me think that the entire system is lacking.  The same system that doubles time served as 'credit coupons' or 'get out of jail free cards' is one that is only trying to save a few meals, and keep beds open in our prisons.
If the average Canadian wants to see stiffer prison terms for violent crimes, why is there so much opposition to our current sentencing reforms being brought forth by the Conservative Government?  The reforms for mandatory minimum sentencing that have passed in Parliament have only touched on impaired driving, serious firearms offenses, and organized drug crimes. 
Opposition to these changes by the NDP and Liberals have all cited increased costs to the taxpayer if stiffer sentences are legislated. The opposition have gone on record and stated  there will be additional prosecutorial costs to mandatory minimum sentences, where these changes will lead to longer sentences behind bars and require additional prison space. One point brought up was that people will not plea bargain because the Crown Prosecutors will have nothing to offer the accused person.
Once again, costs and bargaining tools are brought up.  In any financial “Balance Sheet” there are assets and liabilities, where both sides of the balance sheet counter each other.  In society, the assets are you and me, the lives that make up Canadian society.  On the other side of the Balance Sheet are the liabilities.  The criminals, and the costs incurred to deal out a measure of justice.  I guess if we devalue human life we have no alternative but to balance justice with equal contempt.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

If You Believe, Think Again

Environmental activism has turned a corner I doubt will ever regain its former dignity.  Gone are the days when someone could be referred to as environmentally conscience, where people could have intelligent conversations on a topic like industrial pollution, where the goals are to improve processes and educate.  The environmental movement is no longer an intellectual pursuit.  It has now become an Eco-Mental pursuit where many have taken it to emotional levels, equal if not exceeding behaviors found in groups displaying religious fervor.

Just as communities formalized important waste management systems like recycling, people are being subjected to attacks from these Eco-Mentalists disguising themselves as friendly neighbours.  Case in point; a man in Toronto went into a rage over his neighbour not sorting out her pop cans from her regular trash.  In an act of what he must have felt was 'righteous anger' he assaulted the poor woman until the police had to be called into remove him from the premises.  Apparently he felt it was more important to be a friend with the earth than to respect his fellow human.  Evil creatures these humans are, for not sorting properly.  “It's not easy being green.”

But, his actions illustrate a trend where many, but not all, environmentalists are motivated by emotion and not so much intellect.  In what can only be seen as a case of cutting off the nose to spite the face, a coalition of the willing, comprised of ten non-profit organizations have commenced a marketing campaign against all Albertans.  In an effort to stop the development of the oil-sands operations in Alberta, they are calling on all Americans to boycott Alberta Tourism.  This campaign is aimed along roadsides, on billboards and internet traffic in the forms of video and Google advertising.  The campaign which compares the oilsands with the BP gulf oil spill disaster states, “Alberta: The OTHER oil disaster.”

The video campaign shows Alberta as a great place to be with rolling hills, sunsets and beautiful mountains,  all the time flashing juxtaposed images of the Athabasca oil-sands development, oil soaked ducks, and it's tailing ponds. The video tells the uninformed viewer that the ecological disaster of the oil-sands are twice the size of Great Britain.  The final message is clear, with gloomy music, the narrator along with words written state, “Thinking of visiting Alberta.  Think again.  Take the Pledge.”

Accuracy is not the special of-the-day, because emotional campaigns just don't require accuracy.  Case in point; according to the groups video, the oilsands operation is twice the size of Great Britain, which would mean that it engulfs 66% of the province. But like so many movements that are emotionally driven, the people behind it become Zealots, where the political movement is designed to incite the people to rebel against the 'Roman Empire' and expel it from the 'holy land' by force.

The executive director of one of the non-profit organizations, Corporate Ethics International in the press stated, “We felt we needed to be more aggressive in calling the government out.”  In his own words Marx says,  “Our job is to get the people to look past the cover, to unwrap the cover and see what's really inside.”

To stop these attacks these eco-mentalist's made a threefold demand to the Alberta government. “a. Halt the expansion of the Tar Sands.  b. Stop spending millions of dollars on public relations campaigns designed to keep the United States addicted to dirty Tar Sands oil, c. Take meaningful steps to transition its economy away from dirty Tar Sands oil to clean energy alternatives.”  In essence a billion dollar ransom.

Although this action has spread like wildfire around the world through the press and the internet, I doubt it will ever be more than a boil on the rear of Albertans. The facts speak for themselves, and  whether the Eco-mentalist likes it or not, business will continue because according to 2008 figures, Alberta shipped 1.4 million barrels of crude oil a day to the United States as opposed to Saudi Arabia's 1.06 million barrels.  When is comes to Alberta Tourism, 82 per cent of Alberta tourism is made up of other Albertans, 14 per cent are other Canadians and from overseas visitors.  Only four percent were made up of Americans.

This anti-Alberta campaign, may make a small dent in  our tourism, but not enough to sway provincial policy.  The only thing it will do is appeal to those who react on an emotional level and do not look beyond the package to look inside.  Like many zealot movements, you have to 'look past the cover, to unwrap the cover and see what's really inside.' Because these kinds of groups thrive on providing a small piece of the picture all the while claiming that they are representing the whole.  If you believe the Eco-Mentalist, think again.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

“Colonel! Send in the Geese.”

With that order began an perceived invasion from Canada on U.S. soil.  The invaders, are none other than the Canada Geese.   It appears that our name sake fowl is now being blamed for the downing of a commercial jet, buckets of white effluence littering New York city parks, and replacing the pigeons as the trademark bird of the park scavengers.

The solution that New York city is examining are the capture and killing of these birds to the tune of 165,000, or 330,000 drum sticks. The methods that are being proposed are to capture them in cages, place them in wood grates and transport the fowl to a site where they are euthanized in accordance with approved methods of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).

The approved method according to the 2007 AVMA Guidelines for Euthanasia, is “Free-ranging birds may be collected by a number of methods, including nets and live traps, with subsequent euthanasia. For collection by firearm, shotguns are recommended. The bird should be killed outright by use of ammunition loads appropriate for the species to be collected.”   If the authorities have the facilities to place these birds into pressure chambers the recommended method instead of gunshot is to cause hypoxia through gassing.  The recommended gas that can cause death within 2 to 6 minutes are either CO (Carbon Monoxide) or CO2 (Carbon Dioxide), the former being the preferred gas.  This according to the AVMA are approved for the humane killing of wildlife birds such as the Canada Goose.

The interesting point of all this is a that according to studies the population of Canada Geese is not at a high.  It appears that all that has run a foul is that the migration pattern has changed.  The pesky birds just seem to want to stay at the Big Apple and the fields near the airports have been chosen as their favourite landing zone.  It has also been noted that since Canadians are no longer avid hunters, the seasonal culling through this activity is being blamed for the increased concentration of the goose population.

For whatever reason, the Canada Goose has been identified as a pest, that requires pest control. So American society has now placed them on the radar for extermination.  I really have no problem with that since one goose was sucked into the engine of a commercial jet and did take down the aircraft and it's passengers.  Of course it can be said that it is not the fault of the goose, and that man made objects, those being the jet and airport should not be there in the first place.  It can be argued that perhaps hundreds of years ago before New York city was just a twinkle our eye, the birds migrated to that region yearly and lived in harmony with their surroundings.  Of course the Canada Goose was called the Cackling Goose then so really Canada has no real claim to them, so have at them.

But to exterminate 165,000 birds!  What a travesty, the global community should be enraged!  People should gather in city parks with signs with, “stop the killing” slathered on them! It paints a picture of hairy low-life types encroaching on them with shot guns and killing all those poor birds!  Can you hear my sarcasm?

This story really did not get much press attention.  One short burst of exposure in the dailies, and now the New York mayor is reexamining the situation. I guess he is waiting for another aircraft to crash in order to sway public opinion.  Because we all know that public opinion should be the sole rudder that steers government action.  More sarcasm, I sure hope you heard that.

Much like Canada's policy on the seal hunt, and the loss of ducks in the tailing ponds, the U.S. problem with the Canada Goose is a very similar situation.  It is another example of how humankind as a society is faced with a contradiction.  On one hand we want to be good stewards of this planet where humans live in harmony and respect for all creatures great and small.  In the other, we have a need to continue to survive as a culture.  A culture where we have developed technology and a lifestyle that the majority of us depend on.  That includes such things as air travel and fossil fuel energy.  The structure of these developments cannot be just changed overnight. To do so would be detrimental to our economy, and believe it or not it could adversely affect each one of us.

So like Geese adversely affecting the air travel in New York, structures and operations by humans clash with nature such as the oil sands development.  Unfortunately until other solutions develop, humans will continue to confront nature.  When it comes to Canada's seal hunt, the authorized method of killing them as regulated by those in authority includes shooting and clubbing, where clubbing preserves the pelts.  In contrast with the AVMA authorized methods of killing wild birds seems just as inhumane.  Like it or not both policies are necessary.

Now that the United States of America has joined Canada as a country at odds animal rights activists, it will be interesting to see how the Canada Geese will fair in that country.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dealing with our Crap

“I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.”  ~ anonymous

I think it is fair to say that those who have and are holding an office in public service at the local government level have had their fair share of criticisms as of late.  Our newspaper alone have published letters from rate payers that have had to be edited removing the more colourful phrases aimed at some holding office in local councils.  Others have written letters that I could not publish that were directed to specific people working in public service.  Yes, it is fair to say that one of mankind's past times are to point out the weaknesses, or perceived weakness of others.

Public service is and always will be an extremely under appreciated position to hold.  Whether a person works in law enforcement, local government, public administration or sanitary engineer, the daily tasks go by and not too many people will thank them.  The only real exception to that rule are firefighters.  They tend to be appreciated on many levels.  The image of fire conjures up a well of emotions that tend to make you appreciate a firefighter, even if your family has never been touched by the threat.

But how about those people that go to work at your local government office?  Like your city or town administration or public works.  Has anyone ever taken a second look at the crews working in your community?  I know that in the past I have seen in the city eight people tending a flower bed, usually with two public workers bent over working the soil, a third leaning on a hoe, and the others staring at the work in progress.  That image of the public servant does not garnish much in the way of compliments.  I guess it is fair to say that at every sector of the workforce we can find examples of poor performance.   But is it fair to judge all public servants by the actions of a few?  That question alone can be answered either yes or no, depending on the situation.

So what is this all about?  In a word it is simply about crap.  Yes, I really do mean crap, as in human refuse.  I live in what I have always believed to be one of God's chosen towns.  I have lived in the town of Millet, Alberta since 1992.  I have seen Millet go from some dirt streets in front of my home and buildings in ill-repair to what we have today.  A town where we have pretty neighbourhoods, good services and new developments all designed to create a quaint small town atmosphere.  Millet, like many communities, has its share of problems, but for the most part it is a great place to live.  Like many small towns in our region, our town council, and town administration have come under fire by the rate payers. Some complaints are valid and many not.  But last week something took place that really demonstrated the level of service that the residents of Millet enjoy.

What could only be described as a near disaster, was not only controlled by the public servants, but was eventually repaired.  A complete failure in the main line leading to the Millet sewage lagoons was blocked ,threatening to backup human waste through floor drains of every home in the town.  Waste water from over 800 homes was not being taken away to the lagoons, and as a result began to back up into the system.  Eventually, without the blockage repaired, human sewage would have visited every home owner in the town.

What turned out to be a massive juggling act for the town officials, public works employees and private contractors, allowed most residents to go about their business in blissful ignorance of the oozing threat to their families.

For one week, twenty-four hours a day, large sewage trucks pumped the town’s waste out of the main line from the final pump house.  A temporary heavy duty pump was rolled onto the site and a one kilometer hose was surface run to the lagoons.  Between the trucks and line, with the residents going about their business; washing laundry, flushing toilets, taking showers, the waste kept coming.  Add to that the 40mm plus of rain that fell from thunderstorms during that week and our public servants had their hands full.

I guess it was a simple fact that they were able to stave off the sewers from backing up into our basements and did so without nary a hiccup in service speaks well of the Town of Millet Public Works and the Town Administration.  They handled what could have been a damaging situation and did so without any fanfare.

If we feel we can judge all public servants by the performance of a few, then it is fair to say that this situation is a prime example of the type of performance all of us in each community receives.  For their hard work, and to all our public servants in the region and especially the Town of Millet,thank you for a job well done.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Simply Impossible to Understand

Prior to the G8 and G20 meetings that were held in Ontario last week, the official opposition milked the press core over the enormous cost of security that the federal Government was spending.   NDP foreign-affairs critic Paul Dewar went on record and stated, “when you can spend a billion dollars to send out sound cannons on protesters in Toronto, the least you can do is provide $1.4 billion over a couple of years to provide front-line health services to woman in the Congo. It's a no-brainer.”

Speaking of no-brainers, the best response came from Michael Ignatieff, when he suggested that instead of spending so much government money on security in Toronto during the G20 summit, he would rather see money spent on reducing students’ tuition or even improving broadband internet access for rural Canadians.  Ingatieff stated that the spending was “off the charts” and he said of the security spending, “It's simply impossible to understand.”

This is the man that has designs on becoming our next Prime Minister.  A person who stands before the populous and says that he 'simply does not understand.'

Micheal, do you understand that prior to the G20 summit, the United States issued a travel advisory to U.S. citizens telling them to stay out of the core of Toronto due to credible threats gleaned from intelligence?  No! I believe Stephan Harper understood!

Micheal, do you understand that  Canada and our allies are fighting a war stemming from terrorist activities and that this year alone homegrown US terrorists have targeted New York and shot up a Texas barracks?  Does anyone harping about the cost of security remember that a Nigerian terrorist tried to blow up a transatlantic flight, and Al-Qaeda double agent suicide bombers killed several U.S. Agents in Afghanistan.

Micheal, do you understand that when it had become common knowledge that several peaceful protests were planned during the G8 and G20 summits, a group of black-clad anarchists identifying themselves as adhering to the ‘Black Bloc’ philosophy had openly advertised the fact that they would be descending on the summit.  No! I guess Harper understood.

With last minute security preparations complete which included increased police presence in the form of Toronto-Metro, RCMP, and Police officers gathered from across Canada, a security buffer was set, and military leaders were on stand-by.  A thirty-foot security fence was erected around the summit meeting location, the money was spent.  'What a waste of money' was probably ringing between the ears of the likes of Ignatieff.  'If only every Canadian could enjoy high-speed internet.' was the position publicly conveyed by the honourable opposition.

In what now has become probably the best example of a political 'I told you so,' the Black Bloc did descend on the peaceful protesters, and in true fascist anarchist fashion they started a riot on Queen street.  Four police cars were set on fire, store-fronts were destroyed and before television cameras and reporters from around the world, Canada began to look like a third-world country.  While employees of retailers lining the war-zone cowered behind their cash registers, the Mayor of Toronto went before the cameras and in a brief press conferences was asked questions like; “Do you believe the amount of police presence caused the riot?”  “Are the police doing enough to control the protestors?”  The level of frustration on the Toronto Mayors face was only out-done by the terse response to a press who like Ignatieff, simply just does not understand.

The opportunity to host important international summits like the G8 and the larger meeting of the G20 is an important opportunity for Canada and speaks well of how Canada is seen as a global partner.  

The amount of money spent to secure not only the delegates of several nations but also the Canadian soil these summits occupy is necessary.  In the state of world affairs only a fool would host a world political meeting without taking every measure possible for security.

The question has been raised that if the security was in place, how could the violence erupt in the first place.  Maybe a better question would be, how did the Toronto-Metro police arrest 500 hooligans, essentially restoring peace in relatively short order?  Because that is precisely what happened.  The sheer amount of law enforcement that descended on Toronto was able to arrest the Black Bloc without instigating onlookers to erupt in an all-out free-for-all.

As a result of the riot, Toronto has incurred losses due to property damage, lost wages, and lost business earnings.  The wisdom of whether Toronto was a proper venue for the G20 summit will probably be the hot-topic from the opposition for months to come.  I suspect no matter how plainly Prime Minister Stephan Harper explains it, the opposition will find it simply impossible to understand.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Eco-Indulgence

“As soon as a coin in the coffers rings, a soul from purgatory springs.”   Johan Tetzel (from Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Thesis)

The act of offering indulgences by the Catholic Church was originally put into practice going back to the Council of Epaon in 517AD.  It was a method of replacing severe canonical penances with something new and milder.  In those days it replaced severe penances and it became customary to commute practices to less demanding works, such as prayers, alms, fasts and even tariff penances.   It fell into abuses by what became known as professional “pardoners” in the Middle Ages, which came to a head in 1517AD when Pope Leo X offered indulgences for those who gave alms to rebuild St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.   It was then that Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Thesis protesting what he saw as the purchase and sale of salvation, thus sparking the Protestant Reformation.   He wrote in Thesis 28 the words of Johan Tetzel, Pope Leo X's aggressive indulgence marketer, “As soon as a coin in the coffers rings, a soul from purgatory springs.”

Of course, money would never had been raised for the rebuilding of the Basilica if people did not want to be absolved or even lessened the punishment for their sins.  Pope Leo X and Tetzel knew that they could prey on the guilty feelings of the weak. All it took was a charismatic personality, Tetzel, and the authority of the Papacy, to push ahead.

Today we have the same dynamics at play on the masses, where Eco-Indulgences are being paid by individuals in order to reduce their guilt from sins acted on 'Mother Earth'.  In order to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions individuals, instead of countries can purchase carbon credits. The money raised is claimed to be used towards environmental programs such as reforestation, new technologies to reduce CO2 emissions, and social programs such as 'adopt-a-bicycle.'  People who drive gas guzzling SUV's, Hummers, sports cars and motorcycles can off-set their gaseous ways by calculating their carbon footprint and pay their way out of eco-purgatory.  The funds collected by private companies adhere to a voluntary set of standards and practices, which is not regulated, or vetted by any governmental (that's you and I) organization.  The standards by which these companies run under are created by two people sitting in a private office in Washington, D.C. Their organization VCS (Voluntary Carbon Standards) provide a stamp of approval for many other private companies that are popping up on the internet selling 'eco-indulgences.'

One such company from  Australia, WesternField Holdings Inc. stands accused of defrauding $3.2 million dollars in a carbon investment scam.  The company would sell carbon credits for investing, and the buyer would monitor their carbon investments in a website held by CTR Limited (  Carbon Trust says on its website that it is a registry for credits issued by Voluntary Carbon Standards (VCS) Association.  However, VCS has since advised that Carbon Trust is not an authorized  VCS registry.  Examples such as this wreaked of a need for regulating the private sector in an area where peoples gullibility is open to exploitation.

But is Canada protected from this wholesale of 'eco-indulgences.'  Not to be outdone, several Canadians have started online companies in an effort to raise funds

At one such website, I was able to calculate my individual carbon footprint based not so much on any detailed personal habits but only on the size of my house, and the brand of my vehicle, it quickly advised me that I could off-set my existence by paying them $487.86/year.  This Canadian website proudly advised that they were members  of the Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS) Association. Just as I was looking at an “Add to My Shopping Cart” I read the following.  “You can buy with confidence knowing that you are protected by our no hassle returns policy.”  Emphasis theirs.

How in hell does anyone get a refund on a carbon footprint? Based on this little nudge, I should be able to call them up half way through the year and say.  “You know I got rid of my Chevrolet and bought a Prius.  Please calculate a credit of my credit and credit my credit card!”

What was even more frustrating is that nowhere on this website, or any other that I found selling carbon credits, did it provide any scientific reasoning being the carbon-credit calculation.  Nor did these sites actually detail how the money was being spend.  They did however, advise that we are killing the planet and causing global warming, and that the money will be used toward new technologies to reduce mankind's impact on the planet.

Just like the turning point on church indulgences imposed by Pope Leo X can be traced, 'eco-indulgences' can be linked back to Al Gore and “An Inconvenient Truth”.  Released in 2006, the film has been used as the canon document of the global-warming movement and is the weapon of choice by the newly converted. Al Gore has become the new eco-prophet of our time.  So was there anything that Gore needed to build?  Co-Founded by Al Gore two years before the release of “An Inconvenient Truth”, was an eco-investment company called General Investment Company.  Followed up by his company called the Alliance for Climate Protection, these companies seek investments into new eco-technologies.

As long as people are led to believe that every mile they travel is a sin against our planet, people will throw away their family trust buying carbon credits from private companies to relieve their guilt.  It took 500 years for the Church to mend their ways. When will a new-age Martin Luther start another reform?