“It won’t heal if you don’t stop picking at it,” my Mom always said just before I would take careful aim at the huge scab on my knee. I had promised myself that I would leave the likes of Al Gore alone, hoping that the scab would just disappear. But like many an oozing wound, Al Gore just keeps demanding attention.
It would not take long before Gore would take a run at Obama and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. It seems each year he addresses this committee attacking his personal nemesis carbon dioxide (CO2) while dragging his pet dog Kyoto by it’s collar. This year he raised the bar higher than ever before.
To recap we should at least acknowledge his previous alarmist topics. He claimed that the Polar Bear was on the brink of extinction because of the effects of CO2. No, they are still here today in record numbers. He followed those claims with his movie the “Inconvenient Truth,” targeting the shrinking icecaps, with his famous ‘hockey stick’ climate model. But this month the results came in that showed that the ice caps are at their highest volume since 1979.
Being the smart fella Gore is, since earthly pseudo-observations did not work, he did the only thing a self-motivated politician could. Like Benny Hinn, he raised his arms above his head, named it then claimed it and with a tear in his eye looked to the heavens and...no, Gore did not find God, he found Venus!
Last Wednesday with laser pointer in hand, MS Power-Point loaded, Gore chided that CO2 in Venus’ atmosphere supercharged that planets greenhouse effect. He pointed out that this supercharging keeps Venus at a temperature of 466 degrees Celsius. Gripping his audience he then stated that it was not Venus’ distance to the Sun that makes that planet hotter than Earth, it was CO2. He qualified that by stating that Mercury, which is even closer to the Sun, is cooler than Venus. This was his scientific approach in urging the committee to stop releasing CO2 into the climate or in very short order the Earth would be as hot as Venus.
Gore put down his pointer, looked down at Kyoto wagging its tail in victory.
Silence was observed in the room. Not a chuckle was heard. It was a new committee with a new “Yes we can!” mandate. Obama’s in the house, so not a Republican in the room chuckled.
His approach is once again alarmist with no respect for real science. Since Mercury has little to no atmosphere, the heat received from the sun is a direct result of a radiation hitting the scorched surface. Therefore, each time that planet rotates, the far side cools rapidly with no heat retention. Venus in comparison has an atmosphere that is 97% CO2! No plant life to breath the gas and then return oxygen, no life to breath oxygen and return CO2 back to plants. For Gore to use these two planets as poster boys for Kyoto should have been received as an insult to the committee’s intelligence.
The man with no shame had the committee on the run. Realizing that the USA was in a new political climate, Gore then proceeded to paint the picture of a world in upheaval. Recapping his “Inconvenient Truth” script of melting glaciers, he even pointed out that fires in Greece of 2007 was the result of us spewing CO2 into the atmosphere. He then turned the hurt from the planet to the people by saying that the future of human kind is coming to a close. Making the presentation personal to the committee members he alarmed the room of Democrat and Republican politicians by stating that governments would come to a screeching halt in the wake of this chaos.
This direct attack on the pocketbook of these government employees seemed to hit a cord. Gore then rounded out the presentation by pointing out that it was man’s use of fossil fuels that was keeping us from reducing our carbon footprint. His conclusion was halting the use of fossil fuels at any cost. Like a clip out the “Inconvenient Truth,” Gore probably left the committee in his Ford Grand Marquis.
In true drama queen fashion, Gore failed to point out that no scientific evidence has ever been found to connect man-made CO2 to global warming and climate change.
The sad thing here is that the real threat to the climate in being virtually ignored while spin-doctors like Gore use smoke and mirrors to dazzle money from special interest groups. For just one example, take the “Brown Cloud of Asia.” This poisonous cloud has been hanging over Asia for several years. So large, it is visible from space. Recently, Orjan Gustafson, a bio-geochemist from Stockholm University tested the smoke of the “Brown Cloud of Asia” with a newly developed radiocarbon technique. What he found was that the cloud was made up of particles of organic matter, mostly wood, straw and dung. Recently, the burning of dung and wood was a method of keeping third-world countries in Asia from using fossil fuels for heating and cooking. This inconvenient truth was not part of Gore’s address to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
The sad reality is that this cloud is a direct threat to the lives of the woman and children in Asia. While real environmental problems exist, with envious eyes Al Gore stares at Venus across the gulf of space and slowly and surely draws his plans against us.
It would not take long before Gore would take a run at Obama and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. It seems each year he addresses this committee attacking his personal nemesis carbon dioxide (CO2) while dragging his pet dog Kyoto by it’s collar. This year he raised the bar higher than ever before.
To recap we should at least acknowledge his previous alarmist topics. He claimed that the Polar Bear was on the brink of extinction because of the effects of CO2. No, they are still here today in record numbers. He followed those claims with his movie the “Inconvenient Truth,” targeting the shrinking icecaps, with his famous ‘hockey stick’ climate model. But this month the results came in that showed that the ice caps are at their highest volume since 1979.
Being the smart fella Gore is, since earthly pseudo-observations did not work, he did the only thing a self-motivated politician could. Like Benny Hinn, he raised his arms above his head, named it then claimed it and with a tear in his eye looked to the heavens and...no, Gore did not find God, he found Venus!
Last Wednesday with laser pointer in hand, MS Power-Point loaded, Gore chided that CO2 in Venus’ atmosphere supercharged that planets greenhouse effect. He pointed out that this supercharging keeps Venus at a temperature of 466 degrees Celsius. Gripping his audience he then stated that it was not Venus’ distance to the Sun that makes that planet hotter than Earth, it was CO2. He qualified that by stating that Mercury, which is even closer to the Sun, is cooler than Venus. This was his scientific approach in urging the committee to stop releasing CO2 into the climate or in very short order the Earth would be as hot as Venus.
Gore put down his pointer, looked down at Kyoto wagging its tail in victory.
Silence was observed in the room. Not a chuckle was heard. It was a new committee with a new “Yes we can!” mandate. Obama’s in the house, so not a Republican in the room chuckled.
His approach is once again alarmist with no respect for real science. Since Mercury has little to no atmosphere, the heat received from the sun is a direct result of a radiation hitting the scorched surface. Therefore, each time that planet rotates, the far side cools rapidly with no heat retention. Venus in comparison has an atmosphere that is 97% CO2! No plant life to breath the gas and then return oxygen, no life to breath oxygen and return CO2 back to plants. For Gore to use these two planets as poster boys for Kyoto should have been received as an insult to the committee’s intelligence.
The man with no shame had the committee on the run. Realizing that the USA was in a new political climate, Gore then proceeded to paint the picture of a world in upheaval. Recapping his “Inconvenient Truth” script of melting glaciers, he even pointed out that fires in Greece of 2007 was the result of us spewing CO2 into the atmosphere. He then turned the hurt from the planet to the people by saying that the future of human kind is coming to a close. Making the presentation personal to the committee members he alarmed the room of Democrat and Republican politicians by stating that governments would come to a screeching halt in the wake of this chaos.
This direct attack on the pocketbook of these government employees seemed to hit a cord. Gore then rounded out the presentation by pointing out that it was man’s use of fossil fuels that was keeping us from reducing our carbon footprint. His conclusion was halting the use of fossil fuels at any cost. Like a clip out the “Inconvenient Truth,” Gore probably left the committee in his Ford Grand Marquis.
In true drama queen fashion, Gore failed to point out that no scientific evidence has ever been found to connect man-made CO2 to global warming and climate change.
The sad thing here is that the real threat to the climate in being virtually ignored while spin-doctors like Gore use smoke and mirrors to dazzle money from special interest groups. For just one example, take the “Brown Cloud of Asia.” This poisonous cloud has been hanging over Asia for several years. So large, it is visible from space. Recently, Orjan Gustafson, a bio-geochemist from Stockholm University tested the smoke of the “Brown Cloud of Asia” with a newly developed radiocarbon technique. What he found was that the cloud was made up of particles of organic matter, mostly wood, straw and dung. Recently, the burning of dung and wood was a method of keeping third-world countries in Asia from using fossil fuels for heating and cooking. This inconvenient truth was not part of Gore’s address to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
The sad reality is that this cloud is a direct threat to the lives of the woman and children in Asia. While real environmental problems exist, with envious eyes Al Gore stares at Venus across the gulf of space and slowly and surely draws his plans against us.
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