Two weary travelers en route to a dinner engagement walk along a path, seeing a turd before them stop to examine it. After a careful investigation which included verification of its appearance, texture and aroma they satisfy themselves that it is indeed a turd and replace it exactly were it lay, and continue their journey. Thus is a parody of our expectations in the Canadian political landscape.
So I ask, Mr. Harper… Wazzup?
Don’t get me wrong when it comes to my feelings regarding the Federal Conservatives and Mr. Harper I really believe the man has stepped up to the plate. He has made good on promises and has carried himself well before the liberal bias press and the people. He has stood the ground when harangued by the opposition and the nay sayers. In essence until last week I have been proud of Mr. Harper.
With every person that we put on a pedestal the bubble must burst. Bill C-16 which was introduced by Harper, received Royal Assent in May of 2007 putting into place a fixed election date which was intended to prevent a ruling party from manipulating the election process. Did Harper violate this new law?
Bill C-16 as passed, legislates that Canada will have elections every four years and that the people will go to the polls on the second Monday in October of the fourth year. This in essence set the next scheduled election for October of 2009.
It will prevent elections from being called later, like the situations of the past where the ruling party could hold power to five years at a time or even longer. It ensures that we the people can toss out our government every four years. However, it does not prevent the government from calling an early election which is what took place this week. Canada is going to the polls, with under three years of running this country under Mr. Harpers belt. How did he do it?
Well, Bill C-16 provides for the non-elected Governor General the ability to dissolve the government for such things as non-confidence and of course at the request of the Prime Minister which is what actually happened. On Sunday Mr. Harper convinced the Governor General to dissolve the government. Ok, so Bill C-16 is a ‘Fixed Flexible Set Election Date’ law.
We pick it up, check it’s texture, give it a sniff and put it right back into its place. It is what it is.....
Did Mr Harper break the law? No.
Did he do something illegal? No.
Was it the right thing to do? That depends on which side of the fence you are on. But my feeling is no, it wasn’t the right thing to do. Just because an act is legal does not necessarily make it right. The very law that was to be part of the accountability package still did not prevent the ruling party from calling an election to the benefit of that very party. The opposition from the NDP, Liberals and Greens rightfully hollered .. Nay.. Nay!
I, a right wing quasi-redneck born-in conservative voter has to call it as I see it. As much as it hurts me….. “Harper, your off-side!” By all appearance and by all polls, Stephan was getting the confidence of the people. He was making strides in the east, and for the first time since the MulroneyCampbell debacle we have a ‘right winger’ in the office that the people can trust.
Trust is the only thing a leader has when it comes to preventing the grumblings of the people. It is the very thing that makes or breaks political divisions. Trust is the characteristic in human beings that either keeps the peace or the lack of, fires the first volley! Stephan, you have our trust, stop @#$%^&* with it!!
What the federal conservatives did was not so grievous that they cannot get the votes to win the next election. Take a look at what we have to choose from. Each party has its good points and by opinion it’s bad points. So if you are able to vote for the party alone, what the leader of the party does rarely causes a voter to change their colours. But in the case of the swing votes, they are usually based on the popularity factor.
To choose from we have the Liberals lead by Step-on (here comes the green shaft) Dion, the NDP is lead by Jack (just talk to the terrorists) Layton, and the Green Party, Elizabeth (include me in the debate) May. As odd a bed fellows as those four are, and I include Harper in the count, they appear to be a good mix for conducting our business. But what Harper did by calling this early election, thus painting himself with the same brush he painted the Liberals with, is give a foothold to his opposition whether official or otherwise.
So on October 14th when I go to the polls as disappointed as I am, my political colour will not change. But as the many who feel the same way I do, I believe the chink in Harper’s armour, will change the political landscape on October 15th.
And to all the candidates hoping to represent us here locally, I wish them good luck and God speed!
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