Have you ever asked the question, what is the cost of hysteria?
To put a value on hysteria one must at least have a good grip on what it is. Hysteria is behaviour exhibiting overwhelming fear or emotional excess. Ask yourself the following. Is there a day that goes by that you do not hear about the environment? If you have not read about it in a magazine or newspaper, you have probably heard about it on a talk show on the radio or TV. Popular personalities such as Oprah, Ellen or Muary Povich have over and over done shows on it. CNN, Fox News, ABC News, CBC and Discovery have all drilled it into your heads. Political types such as Gore, Obama, Clinton, Jack Layton or Stephan Dion have all made it their pet project. In all, you get hundreds of impressions coming at the average ‘Joe’ regarding the environment daily.
For those folks converted to the newest green religion, if you shrug off their concerns they look at you like a leper, or worse a fool. Reduce your greenhouse footprint, is the newest catch phrase.
We are all the enemy of the environment these days. Two years ago livestock was touted as biggest methane polluters, so much so, that some countries have looked into taxing those farmers raising cattle, pigs and sheep. You know, those nasty creatures with rear fleshy exhausts. Put a plug in it is the answer. But then all living creatures spew methane, the second most feared greenhouse gas, second only to carbon dioxide. Should we reduce our own numbers as well? Or tax us all to discourage breeding?
Recently in parliament, Liberal leader Stephan Dion announced that if elected, he was going to impose a carbon tax on all Canadians. He would start by taxing home heating fuels. Sheesh, good thing he didn’t hit us at the pumps, its not like heating your homes is a big deal in Canada!
Can anyone tell me at what point did the focus of pop culture start to run along side Henny Penny and Chicken Little? Why are our governments starting to implement ‘Acorn Policies’? It seems like when the acorn fell on the liberal mind they have been exciting the masses ever since. Hysteria is what we are seeing and it will only cost us in the end ~ pun intended.
The language of the politician is carefully selected to appease the fear in the masses by reinforcing the political lies and at the same time making us all feel so smart and informed. Just after Dion announced his carbon tax plans he stated, “I am convinced that far too many political elites underestimate Canadians. When you speak to the minds and the big hearts of our great people, good policies translate into good politics. In fact, time and time again Canadians have been ahead of their politicians of knowing what is needed.”
Yeah, that’s it! Within 12 hours of Dion‘s speech, someone was probably sitting on a bar stool preaching to the masses how it is good for Canada, the environment and our international obligations to give, give and give more. Do you think that it will stop there?
The costs imposed by the rapid implementation of the global warming hysteria, will hurt our economy. Last week it was the USA announcing that Alberta Oil produces too much carbon dioxide to extract it from our tar sands. In effect, the USA is threatening not to purchase our oil.
This is a direct result of “Acorn Political” pressures caused by the hysteria of global warming science. Is the sky really falling? Yes it is. It is not the environment, it will be our economy. Is the Tar Sands Project important to you and me, the average Albertan? … ah yes!
The truth is that there are a lot more scientists who refute the “human caused” global warming theory. The problem is that when they speak out they are immediately labelled as Big Oil supporters or deniers. There is no consensus on anthropogenic global warming. Nobody even says what the "consensus" is on. It is, at best, a theory and a poor one at that. In short, the earth is warming ever since the last ice age and it will keep warming, but whether that warming is man-made is just the ‘Acorn Politician’ using fear to effect change that they could not accomplish when the masses are happy. For example, global temperature measurements in the ocean over the past five years have shown that the oceans are cooling slightly, and atmospheric global average temperatures for the past 10 years have slightly dropped .555C. This is data that has been tabulated, but pop culture would rather be told that the end is near rather than just sit back and enjoy the weather.
Before the hysteria hit, our Canadian government, whether provincial or federal, (which includes the former Liberal cabinet), where implementing policies and laws to protect the environment, which included all forms of pollutions from gases to solid wastes. These policies were put into motion and have been effective. The fact is that past legislation driven by political processes were weighed based on the results with the overall wellness of our economy. This careful balance seems to be curtailed by the pressures imposed by environmental hysteria, fuelled by those either ill informed, or worse.
It is time to wake up. Click your heels together people and lets get back on solid ground! Make government policies on sound science, not unproven theories. Maybe its time that cooler heads prevail.
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