It sounds like a scene out of Seinfeld. A show about nothing! Three guys sitting in a board room trying to convince would-be supporters that a “show about nothing” will fly. Is Ed Stelmach a show about nothing!
A new poll suggests support for Ed Stelmach's Progressive Conservative government has dropped significantly in August to 32 per cent from 54 per cent in January.
In a Cameron Strategy poll provided to The Globe and Mail showed during that same time period the
number of undecided or unsure voters has risen to 36 per cent from 18 per cent. What this spells out is a minority government after the next election. The only question is, will that minority government be Conservative or Liberal?
For a fleeting moment I though of running half naked to my garage and grab a spade. I needed to dig fast and see if ‘hell had really froze over’. This is Alberta, the heart of redneck country. We are salt of the earth folks that bury firearms in cans, flirt with all the bad words, and spit on the ground just before walking into a Walmart. (Man that drives me nuts.) A liberal government!? No amount of greenhouse gas could make Alberta vote in a Liberal Government. The sky is falling!
Stelmach in true, duh, fashion is reported as blaming the influx of Eastern Canadians as the reason for the drop. A 22% drop in popularity in Alberta is like losing over 360,000 possible voters confidence in less than a year.
Good Job Ed! The sad thing really, is that as a ‘card carrying conservative’ I am looking at other pastures for leadership.
What ever happened to the Alberta Alliance? How about the Rhinos? The problem really is that Ed Stelmach is living up to his name ‘Steady Eddie’. Like a lumbering 1940’s Cockshutt tractor, pulling 8 foot machinery, the job is getting done but you could time the second hand or your watch by it. It’s like watching snails mate. Unlike his predecessor Klein, there really are no surprises. We don’t hear anything interesting about Ed in the press. He’s not insulting homeless people, or spilling a drink or two. Ed is just not giving Albertans something to gossip about.
People like to talk about our leaders and celebrity types. If folks aren’t wagging tongues about poor table manners, or disorderly family members in a desperate need for stimulation we will actually point to the only thing we see Ed doing. NOTHING!
Get the lead out Ed. As a conservative member we voted a farmer into office, and one we know to be very smart. Stop being so smart and spill a drink or two. Get our attention with the left hand, while you manipulate the right hand. As Canadians we have come accustomed to being manipulated.
So for the sake of all Albertans, Ed, please do something interesting and at the same time do the
job. I personally don’t want to be forced into seeing a Kevin Taft type looking out the big office window.
All our Premier really needs to do is let the press in just a bit. Because as the old saying goes; Everyone is normal until you get to know them.
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